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wRAthoFVuLK's Profile
Guides: 0     Posts: 0     Videos: 0

REPUTATION: Notable (3)
JOINED: August 15, 2011
LAST SEEN: September 15, 2011
More Info

wRAthoFVuLK's Bio

Sup guys. Imma guy who likes games...a lot. Feel free to add me to play or to ask any questions. I'm nice, don't worry :P I play League of Legends right now, and plan on getting into this game as well. My LoL IGN is the same as for this game.

I am on the LoL strategy website MOBAFire, made by Matt and FlashJ as well (<3 them), if you want to check out me there, feel free to click my website URL above ^_^

If you want to ask me any questions but don't feel like adding me or I don't accept your request for some reason, feel free to PM me! =D

Also, if you want to speak to me, check out the MOBAFire vent, info here:

I'm usually somewhere on there ;)

Thanks for taking to time to read this! :o

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