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8 Votes

Viper DPS Carry (DoT Heavy Flying Guy)

June 4, 2012 by Pizzastalker
Comments: 5    |    Views: 49806    |   

DPS Carry Viper

DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Predator (Innate)

Poison Attack

1 3 5 7


2 8 10 13

Corrosive Skin

4 9 12 14

Viper Strike

6 11 16


15 17 18

Viper DPS Carry (DoT Heavy Flying Guy)

June 4, 2012


*This guide is sill in progress as I finalize my notes for the Laning section, Pros/Cons and How to Use Viper in a Team Situation.*

Hello and welcome to my very FIRST guide on DotaFire!! I'll be making changes to these as I play Viper more and experience more of Dota 2 as it develops and items are changed (buffed, nerfed etc.) as well as if any changes are made to Viper. I've played Viper for a very long time, and I have grown to both like him as a hero for his amazing skillset, as well as his easy learning curve, making him an ideal pick for beginners to Dota 2 or MOBA games themselves.
Please remember to upvote this guide if you find it helpful and useful. It helps a lot. Thanks guys :).


*This section being updated as I have more time to play and stuff around with different items*

Starting Items and Early Game
These items are very common and are almost the standard starting items for most carry heroes. They give you good lane sustain with tango and the healing salve. The Iron Branches bring a nice boost in your early game stats with bonuses to all three stats (Intelligence, Strength and Agility). The two slippers focus on boosting your primary stat, which would be agility. Into early game items, the Wraith Bands are relatively cheap due to the recipe from your starting items, and they provide even better stats, with boosts to damage, a large increase in your agility, as well as some points in strength and intelligence. The Power Treads provide you with extra mobility and harassing potential, as you can pop in, fire off a few auto-attacks, and back out before the enemy hero can counter. What makes Power Treads unique, however, is that when you activate them, you can cycle between which stats you want a boost in. It will provide an 8 point boost to whichever stat you have selected (click twice for Agility).

Mid Game
Manta Style
I've used Manta Style in nearly every single one of my games and the active is simply just so useful when ganking a squishy opponent or using the illusions to distract and bait the enemy into your waiting team. It essentially allows for two illusion 'runes' to be in effect on your team at once, without risking your life trying to grab a rune from the river. This items active is very useful in conjunction with the active of Shadow Blade when ganking, which I will cover later on.

Shadow Blade
Shadow Blade's active is amazing when used while ganking or in conjunction with Manta Style. The invisiblity, bonus mobility and bonus damage when breaking the stealth all help you pull off that gank so much easier. It also gives you a considerable boost in your damage, with bonuses in damage and attack speed, which can help in reapplying your AutoCast Q (Poison Attack) much easier.

Ganking with Shadow Blade + Manta Style
I absolutely freakin' love using these two items when ganking as viper. It is rather simple and VERY effective on a single target. Before you move in from the river or jungle into the lane, pop the active on Shadow Blade and make sure to avoid any towers as they have true vision. Now, before you start spamming ANY skills or autocasts, pop your stealth with one Poison Attack on the target, pop the manta style illusions and THEN use your ulti. This will give you the small amount of damage that the illusions provide as well. This can make the difference between securing a kill or getting yourself caught with not enough time to kill the hero and then get involved in a 2v1 situation, or worse. Then activate your orb (or you can have it activated pre-gank) and proceed to dominate.

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