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June 17, 2013 by RhinO.O
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DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Predator (Innate)

Poison Attack

1 3 5 9


2 7 10 12

Corrosive Skin

4 8 13 14

Viper Strike

6 11 16


15 17 18


Hey guys, please dont be too harsh as this is my first guide. This is basically for Viper going mid, but can work when on lane as well.


Poison Attack is great when in mid lane to harass your opponent down easily and keeping them at lower hp. Nethertoxin is great when it comes down for last hits but also when it comes down to a 1v1 at low hp as it adds bonus base damage to your attacks. Corrosive skin is great when wanting to finish off someone but there is a creep wave in the way as it damages and slows them so they wont be able to do much to you, but also when someone is attacking you, whether it be auto attacking or via spells it still works on them. I choose to level Corrosive Skin earlyish as it just helps as a back up when wanting to go that little bit further and go in for the first blood or a kill with the creep wave, and hey, you never know when you might be ganked as well. And finally Viper Strike must be leveled when you can as it is so great!

Pros / Cons

- is great when it comes to 1v1 or solo killing
- slows people down to death!
- fairly easy to learn / play

- requires farm and levels to be effective
- not good in team fights
- slow, but the Yasha from Manta Style and Sange & Yasha will help boost your speed

Creeping / Jungling

When Corrosive Skin is level 4 then you can go into the jungle and do some random jungling to get some more farm, and also farming / tanking the creeps/Roshan it helps as well.


Great hero to play and can have great fun with Viper. Viper needs some farm and some levels to be effective.

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