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2 Votes

Venomancer - Critical Damage | Insane DPS [Simple and Straightforward Guide]

April 20, 2013 by Isinar
Comments: 5    |    Views: 9463    |   

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Dickmuncher (1) | April 20, 2013 1:36pm

I would use the standard Tranquil Boots + Drum of Endurance + Yasha build for a carry Venomancer, but this troll build might actually work if you pick up Shadow Blade first (something that free-farming Alchemists and Gyrocopters do in the competitive scene). I won't vote it, though.

You have no idea what you are talking about... seriously Alchemist ****. l2p noob MIDAS4LYFE
Isinar | April 20, 2013 1:36pm
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 20, 2013 12:16pm
I would use the standard Tranquil Boots + Drum of Endurance + Yasha build for a carry Venomancer, but this troll build might actually work if you pick up Shadow Blade first (something that free-farming Alchemists and Gyrocopters do in the competitive scene). I won't vote it, though.
Isinar | April 20, 2013 11:19am
Dickmuncher (1) | April 20, 2013 11:15am
This looks very promising!! I hope the pro scene adapts this build in the next tournament! Going to try it now! gg
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