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Tiny Mid

August 8, 2024 by DotaCoachApp
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Tiny Mid

DotA2 Hero: Tiny

Hero Skills

Craggy Exterior (Innate)


2 8 9 10


3 4 5 7

Tree Grab

1 13 14 16

Tree Throw

1 13 14 16


6 12 18


11 15

Hero Talents

2 Toss Charges
-8s Avalanche Cooldown
Toss Requires No Target
+60 Tree Grab Bonus Base Damage
+70 Avalanche Damage
-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction
+8 Strength
+200 Avalanche Cast Range

Key Strategy

Key strategic elements to consider when playing Tiny

  • Tree toss can kill couriers.
  • Use Avalanche or Tree Toss to secure last hits and harass opponents here and there.
  • You can save an ally with Toss, especially once you have a Blink Dagger.
  • Alert your teammates to stack for you as you can clear those fairly early.
  • Once you have Blink Dagger, make use of it before opponents are able to see it in your inventory.
  • Be quick at going for buildings when you get a pick off or win a fight. Tiny destroys buildings really fast.
  • When not much is happening, push out the side lanes with your spells and Tree right clicks.
  • Once you have Aghanims Scepter, you can play in tree lines and start fights with Tree Volley instead of the Avalanche-Toss combo.

Main Combo

Main item and ability combo

Blink Dagger => Avalanche => Toss => Attack

Further Information

You can use this guide in Dota 2 by subscribing on Steam: In-game Guide

Find out more about Tiny on Dota Coach's Heropedia

This guide was written by Hammad: View Gamer Profile

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