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As far as I know, Urn of Shadows is core on him because Urn of Shadows cannot be dispelled when allies are under the effect of False Promise, hence guaranteed 800 health heal even when they engage in fights at the end of the spell. It's great because it does not have the initial damage like purifying flames, which makes you have to use Fate's Edict for full benefit. Those times casting spells can be used better to nuke enemies down rather than helping, hence the core need.
As a position 5 urn of shadows is a near luxury, but testing it again... as much as I HATE TO SAY THIS you are right urn of shadows is not cancelled by purifying flames anymore... (when false promise is active) I still prefer mek and arcanes though, i just dont feel you have the money to grab an early urn but thats my opinion.
Urn of Shadows isn't exactly luxury, it gives 120 health, 0.18 health regeneration and 50% mana regeneration for 875 gold (and you can buy its pieces slowly), I'd say that's pretty great for any poor support :)
This guide is still on alpha version.
Lacks of proper laning strategies, match ups, counters and countered heroes.
Also, Oracle is one hell of a midlaner too, would be nice to see a midlane build as well
Sorry if I did offend you and the advice is appreciated but I'm afraid this is my writing style and I am rather obnoxious on a casual basis, sorry then.
There is too much harshness and cussing in this guide. Yes I understand you are doing a fun playful harshness but it's not fun when you use it repeatedly. Also, 2 of the icons of the skills aren't there.
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
Even if you're behind, maybe you can even start working on an Urn on
But don't mind me too much, just an Urn fangay :)
I'd suggest to use the images that our website provides, they're always reliable and easy to use.
Nevertheless, nice guide, keep it up!
Lacks of proper laning strategies, match ups, counters and countered heroes.
Also, Oracle is one hell of a midlaner too, would be nice to see a midlane build as well