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3 Votes

strong chaos

August 5, 2012 by realm_of_the_titans95
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DirtGrub (13) | September 17, 2012 8:30am
I like the idea of a soul ring as his mana pool is low and you could get one more chaos bolt or rift of to finish another hero. Very smart! :D
I don't think that you should get your ulty at level 8. Level 10 seems more appropriate as you can then get it at 11 and have another illusion. +1 illusion on chaos knight doesn't seem very effective. IMO.
I think diffusal a waste of gold, IMO, he is fast enough to chase the other hero down unless its luna and his stun is very spammable, plus rift covers 30%-80% of ground between you and enemy hero. Plus the manta gives him enough attack speed to be effective
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