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Slardar Offlane

August 18, 2024 by DotaCoachApp
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Slardar Offlane

DotA2 Hero: Slardar

Hero Skills

Seaborn Sentinel (Innate)

Guardian Sprint

4 8 9 10

Slithereen Crush

1 13 14 16

Bash of the Deep

2 3 5 7

Corrosive Haze

6 12 18


11 15

Hero Talents

Corrosive Haze Undispellable
-3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown
-4 Corrosive Haze Armor
+125 Slithereen Crush Damage
+40 Bash Damage
+300 Health
-2s Guardian Sprint Cooldown
+0.2s Slithereen Crush Stun Duration

Slardar Offlane

August 18, 2024

Key Strategy

Key strategic elements to consider when playing Slardar

  • Keep an eye on Bash of the Deep charges and preferably bash the opponents.
  • Use Slithereen Crush and Bash of the Deep to secure ranged creep last hits.
  • Run through the river as much as you can when you are moving around due to extra movement speed.
  • Build up Bash of the Deep charges up to 3 ideally, before making a move or gank attempt.
  • Once you have Blink Dagger, make use of it before opponents are able to see it in your inventory.
  • In fights, play around your right-clicking core. Jump and Corrosive Haze the target he is able to hit.
  • Slardar enables the team to take Roshan down fairly early due to Corrosive Haze.

Main Combo

Main item and ability combo

Blink Dagger => Slithereen Crush => Corrosive Haze => Attack => Bash of the Deep

Further Information

You can use this guide in Dota 2 by subscribing on Steam: In-game Guide

Find out more about Slardar on Dota Coach's Heropedia

This guide was written by BaLLooN, a 7.8k DotA 2 player based in SEA with 17 years of experience: View Gamer Profile

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