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Side Lane Carry

June 9, 2013 by E_Dog
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DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Predator (Innate)

Poison Attack

1 3 5 7


2 4 9 10

Corrosive Skin

8 12 13 14

Viper Strike

6 11 16


15 17 18

Side Lane Carry

June 9, 2013


Viper is a pretty rocking hero. He has great slows and can deal massive damage to enemy heroes. He can struggle with durability sometimes but some simple items can help with that. This build will be mostly about getting kills and giving the opposition a hard time.


You're starting items are pretty basic. The tango and healing salve are just there in case you get harassed too badly and the stout shield just adds that little bit more survivability early game.

When you are at the start of your game you'll hopefully be in a lane with another hero who is a melee or at least has a slow or stun of some sort. Your main objective early game should be to be harassing opposite heroes with your poison attack. This keeps them low and keeps them away from getting farm. Whenever you get a chance to last hit try to take it but it isn't a major priority for you in the early game.

You should be harassing and getting some gold and hopefully leveling well. You should be aiming to have completed your boots by the time you are level 6 so that you have that extra agility and movement speed. Once you are level 6 you'll have your poison attack at level three (which means no cooldown <3 ) and you will also have your ultimate. This will make you pretty dominant. The ideal way to get your kill at this stage is to have your teammate ready to attack with you. You should initiate with your ultimate and then auto-attack with your Poison attack on auto-cast. (you can do this by right clicking the ability). This will absolutely destroy your enemy hero and give you the kill.

You are now ready to either focus on farming in your lane or go around ganking because of your amazing Q ability which has no cooldown.

By level 10 you'll have wanted to have bought your perseverance which gives you some great durability with the health regen and mana regen. It's perfect for when you go around ganking and utterly dominating the other team.

Level 12 and you should have your shadow blade. If you don't then that's fine. Just work on getting it. You should be getting quite a few kills due to the combo you have with your ultimate and first ability. The shadow blade gives you that escape mechanism for when you are chasing a hero and then need to get away quickly, or when you get ganked, or when you are ganking. Its an overall great item to have.

So if you are at the stage of buying a heart that means you have been killing the other team like there is no tomorrow. The heart will give you amazing regen and great durability which means you can last longer in team fights and the opposition just will not be able to kill without you getting at least 2 kills.

All the other items will just assist your ability to kill.


Your first ability is your most important. The slow and the damage over time is so amazing for when you gank. Your enemy hero will generally run away which gives you more time to attack than to be attacked. This at level 3 will have a 0 cooldown which means you can spam it all you want.

Your second ability just aids your first ability in the slow and damage over time. Great for taking down enemies quicker.

Third ability is great late game because anything that attacks you will be taking damage and being slowed. It's a great benefit for once you get your perseverance and are taking on creep waves solo and jungling for that extra gold.

Your ultimate is great. If you initate with it and then spam your first ability on the opposition hero then you will 95% of the time get the kill. That other 5% is if you are killsteal'd or they have an invis ability but that can be countered with things like dust and wards.

Pros / Cons

Pros: Viper can be very destructive and can prevent opposition teams from farming and can just give your team that early advantage that leads to the win. He is a very strong hero and is amazing late game.

Cons: Viper usually requires another carry hero who is a melee for him to be at his most effective. That means the other carry will be taking the hits from the enemy while viper monsters the rest of them. He is also fairly item reliant so if you are being targeted by the enemy then it can get fairly difficult to be of use in the team.

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