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4 Votes

Risky Bounty Build

April 16, 2012 by M4mb4
Comments: 3    |    Views: 6940    |   

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ConMasterFlash (2) | March 17, 2012 3:21pm
Yeah you wont finish half of those items without getting blown up without a BKB. At least mention it.
dresmasher (24) | March 17, 2012 5:44am

Decent guide. I really hate the fact that you have no hp and no lifesteal. All your damage means nothing if you're focused down in 3 seconds flat. You have an aegis, but all of 1000 hp so it still doesnt matter... I think you should get some sustain or survivability in there to make it viable

you know, whenever you have lifesteal or not it won't matter if they can focus you down in 3 seconds ...

this isn't a guide though, just a build and no mention of bkb... not gonna downvote but not going to upvote either
MoosetheMonkey (12) | March 17, 2012 12:39am
Decent guide. I really hate the fact that you have no hp and no lifesteal. All your damage means nothing if you're focused down in 3 seconds flat. You have an aegis, but all of 1000 hp so it still doesnt matter... I think you should get some sustain or survivability in there to make it viable
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