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Hi, Welcome to my very first guide, I hope you like it
Lanaya Lore: Lanaya, the Templar Assassin, came to her calling by a path of curious inquiry. Possessed of a scientific bent, she spent her early years engaged in meticulous study of nature's laws--peering into grimoires of magic and alchemy, recreating experiments from charred fragments of the Violet Archives, and memorizing observations of the Keen recordkeepers. Already quiet and secretive by nature, the difficulty of acquiring these objects further reinforced her skills of stealth. Had she been less retiring, she might have become notorious among the guilds as a thief-scholar. Instead her investigations led her into far more obscure corners. As she devoted her furtive talents to unlocking the secrets of the universe, she instead unlocked a secret door that exists in nature itself: the entryway to the most Hidden Temple. The intelligences that waited beyond that portal, proved to be expecting her, and whatever mysteries they revealed in the moment of their discovery was nothing compared to the answers they held out to Lanaya should she continue in their service. She swore to protect the mysteries, but more to the point, in service to the Hidden Temple she satisfies her endless craving for understanding. In the eyes of each foe she expunges, a bit more of the mystery is revealed.
Lanaya is a great carry and have a good utility Ult, You can cast it on the rune if your team dont ward, and a pretty good invis and survivability spell (Refraction & Meld, which deal lotta damage)
When to pick Lanaya?
-Enemy dont have good mid
-Your team dont have good mid
-Many squishy heroes on other team
-You have ganker
-Minus armor heroes on your team (SF, Slar, etc)
-You feel like it
[/color When to NOT pick Lanaya?
-Enemy team have detectors (Zeus, Bounty, Slar)
-Enemy team may have harassing hero
-Enemy team may have spammable AOE
-Someone need mid (Probs SF or Drow)
-You need to play as other hero
Starting: Pretty self-explanatory (Branches are OP)
-Bottle, always Bottle
-Wraith Band, more stats
-Boots, Every hero needs this (Boots are OP)
-Magic wand, -3 item slots, and moar charges
-Yasha, DMG, ATT speed and MSl, pretty cheap for stats item
-Crystalis, Crits what makes you awesome
-Power Treads, you got the movespeed so why not PT?
Alternate Bootz:
-Phase, pretty much everyone got this, so why not?
-BoT, for backdooring/free TP/just the MS
End Game Spendings:
-SnY, why not? moar statz
-Daedalus, moar critz = GG
-Mjoll, If you feel like it, att speed = more crit & more chain = GG
-Deso, very good item, melt through everything
-Manta, alternate from SnY, autopurge and illusion, but no main and less MS
-BKB, good if you're getting **** ton of stuns
-Blink Dagger, 90% of the situation, you wont even need this, reccomended for reasons
-Medallion, funny cheap item, get it for fun play
-Urn, if you kill/ gank alot, get this
-Any sort of Lifesteal, good, not reccomended, you got the healing with urn/bottle anyway
-Skadi, not reccomended, ult slow is enough
-Rapier, maybe, if you're rolling in cash
-Shadow Blade, fool russians/stupid people with this!, not reccomended in ranked, they already smart enough to get dust (no offense to russians)
-Midas, not reccomended, you have enough money in the world by just killing heroes
-Heart, if you want to get tanky
Max this out first, best way to dodge huge dmg spells
Max this second, best way to dodge harmful projectiles
Psi Blades:
Max this last, usually lvl 2 is enough, add more if needed
Psionic Trap:
Tactical trap Ult, best tu put on tactical places and/or runes and to chase people
Gives you stats
Normal way:
Refraction>Meld>Att right away>Shoot until dead
If you're surrounded and in meld
Meld>Att the lowest health hero/the nearest>Refraction>Meld>Wait for CD>repeat until you can escape
If you get blink
Refraction>Blink>Meld>Att>Shoot until dead
If you get Phase
Refraction>Phase>Meld>Att>Phase>Shot until dead
If needed, you can add ult activation to slow them a bit
Lanaya is a great ganker/carry, with a decent escape mechanism and as well as a huge nuke with positioning skill.
Thank you for reading my guide, please rate
My apologies if there's something wrong/unacceptable in my guide
Good day
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