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11 Votes

[Honest] Goo's Guide To Perú (With Slang Dictionary)

June 7, 2015 by TheGooGaming
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KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | June 20, 2015 3:39pm
All I heard about the peru universe is singsing screaming LA PUTA MADRE off top his head when a nooby pudge frienmdly-hooked him, for a third time,and had him miss a major kill.
TheGooGaming (29) | June 10, 2015 3:47am
ChiChi wrote:

Nice guide, as always, bringing up a subject that is part of Dota too, but that isn't exactly hero playstyle :D

But, as a Portuguese "married" to a Brazilian, the "stupid Brazilians" quote offends me :P (even though I know most Brazilians can be jerks if they are playing with friends, since most of the times they don't bother to use English so the rest of their team can understand what's going on). So no +1 for you this time, Goo! Shooo Peruvian, shooo

Nah, you know I meant no offense, I was just trying to portray it from a peruvian pubber's point of view. 〳 ‾́ ﹏ ‾́ 〵
ChiChi (47) | June 8, 2015 3:18pm
Nice guide, as always, bringing up a subject that is part of Dota too, but that isn't exactly hero playstyle :D

But, as a Portuguese "married" to a Brazilian, the "stupid Brazilians" quote offends me :P (even though I know most Brazilians can be jerks if they are playing with friends, since most of the times they don't bother to use English so the rest of their team can understand what's going on). So no +1 for you this time, Goo! Shooo Peruvian, shooo
Oberstgromm | June 8, 2015 2:52pm
I'm Spaniard myself and sometimes struggle to understand these guys.

Your guide is quite good and helps to understand a lot the gaming with Latams (the booths may not be an issue only in Peru but as well in other Latam countries)

Have fun m8
Tikru8 (4) | June 4, 2015 12:26pm
What a guide. Never played with Peruvians but with a lot of Russians though. I'd really like to see a similar guide written by a Russian about [RUS]doto
TheGooGaming (29) | June 3, 2015 1:54am
Sando wrote:

Really interesting "guide", sometimes understanding something makes it easier to at least making this kind of stuff easier to live with. Really surprising how much people want to play when they have no real way of knowing about the game - how did it get so big?

Much as the situation helps explain the's still not great for the poor sods who are on the receiving end of it. What do you think the solution is? Would LAN play or a Peruvian server help?

I dont think there will ever be a developed solution, mainly because neither Valve or the peruvian popular community sees this as a problem at all in the first place. I personally think they (the common peruvian player) should have more manners when it comes to playing the game, honestly I see them queueing to Us servers for example, with the language preference on English only and expect people understand their commands and actually have a positive response. And in those games they do actually find other hispanic-speaking players, which just makes everything a big vicious circle. All in all, it is a complicated issue and I wouldnt know how to approach it, not a clue.
TheGooGaming (29) | June 3, 2015 1:47am
R-Conqueror wrote:

Goo, you post the most unique, interesting guides and I'm happy you are starting a blog, although it doesn't look quite as good as dodofire :P Great information on Peru and don't forget your dotafire family when you are the next SmAsH haha

Sando (118) | June 2, 2015 10:31pm
Really interesting "guide", sometimes understanding something makes it easier to at least making this kind of stuff easier to live with. Really surprising how much people want to play when they have no real way of knowing about the game - how did it get so big?

Much as the situation helps explain the's still not great for the poor sods who are on the receiving end of it. What do you think the solution is? Would LAN play or a Peruvian server help?
R-Conqueror (24) | June 2, 2015 6:41pm
Goo, you post the most unique, interesting guides and I'm happy you are starting a blog, although it doesn't look quite as good as dodofire :P Great information on Peru and don't forget your dotafire family when you are the next SmAsH haha
TheGooGaming (29) | May 31, 2015 5:11pm
Unscathed wrote:

Interesting insight, though i wont make use of it much from SEA. Good read anyways, have a +1!

Also can't believe you are from peru, putra madre.

Edit: Rework your link to the public internet booth. Your link has a '.' at the end and doesnt show a page.

Aghh, bad copy pasta-ing. Thanks for the heads up.
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