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11 Votes

Gondar: The Bounty Hunter

December 29, 2011 by Pikines
Comments: 10    |    Views: 15239    |   

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Whated (12) | December 30, 2011 4:28pm
Damn I hate rip-off guides. Im not going to vote at all thought...
Atlas (117) | December 30, 2011 10:38am
Yeah, at the least give credit to the author.
Sarcy (27) | December 30, 2011 10:31am
or as you can see in my Riki guide (for the skill scaling .etc) just provide a link back to the original content and give credit when it is due!
Atlas (117) | December 30, 2011 10:17am
A part of this guide copied from playdota's The Bounty Hunter Public Version.

It's not enough to close the guide, it's just one section, but if someone sees more copied from another guide, please tell me.

People, just make your own content, or at least re-phrase what you've copied and make it not a total rip-off. -_-
Syncness | December 28, 2011 1:57am
Early 1 pt Jinada is definitely the way to go.

Early Vlads is most likely not a good choice, the money could've been spent on a hammer.

Also, how come skills aren't tooltip'd?
Sarcy (27) | December 22, 2011 12:42pm
I would have to agree with the Earlier Jinada. Not only does it allow for some free harassment but it can allow for easier early kills more than your suggested build does.
Atlas (117) | December 22, 2011 8:45am
HamSandwich wrote:

Taking a level Jinada earlier is a better way to win. I usually either take it first or second, and then focus on Shuriken Toss and Windwalk.

Yeah I agree. My skill build with Gondar is usually

->Then max windwalk, then stats. And Ult at 11 and 16.

Really the 15 secs on WW is more than enough to set up for ganks or get away from an enemy. The burst from Shuriken and Jin are what is going to allow you to get fed early game.
HamSandwich (34) | December 22, 2011 8:40am
Taking a level Jinada earlier is a better way to win. I usually either take it first or second, and then focus on Shuriken Toss and Windwalk.
Atlas (117) | December 22, 2011 4:52am
I almost always get Vlads.

You did leave out a lot of good items for Gondar though.

Anyway, +1.
BoredomIsFun (12) | December 22, 2011 2:58am
Never, ever ****ing build vlads as a first core. Please fix!
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