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Dragon Knight Offlane

August 18, 2024 by DotaCoachApp
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Dragon Knight Offlane

DotA2 Hero: Dragon Knight

Hero Skills

Dragon Blood (Innate)

Breathe Fire

1 3 9 10

Dragon Tail

5 13 14 16

Wyrm's Wrath

2 4 7 8

Elder Dragon Form

6 12 18


11 15

Hero Talents

+400 Aoe Dragon Tail During Dragon Form
+12 Dragon Blood Armor and Regenration
+85% Breathe Fire Damage/ Cast Range in Dragon Form
+150 Elder Dragon Form Attack Range
+300 Health
+0.4s Dragon Tail Stun Duration
-30% Breathe Fire Damage Reduction
+15 Damage

Dragon Knight Offlane

August 18, 2024

Key Strategy

Key strategic elements to consider when playing Dragon Knight

  • Dragon Knight trades well in lane with his Corrosive dragon facet as it does damage per second and reduces armor. Look to use that to pressure the enemy melee heroes.
  • Try to use Breathe Fire to secure creeps during the laning stage, especially the enemy ranged creep. Best to use it in line with the enemy hero when securing creeps to also reduce their right clicking damage
  • Dragon Knight is great at taking buildings down early due to the Corrosive Breath facet amplified during dragon form with bonus right click damage added. Look to push towers when your ultimate is available.
  • Once you get Blink Dagger, try to make use of it immediately before the opponents see it in your inventory.
  • Make sure you have allies nearby when you initiate with blink early on. Dragon Knight doesn`t do much burst damage until later on into the game.
  • Avoid fighting while Dragon Form is on cooldown. Push out lanes or play defensively.
  • Break effects and healing reductions are a big problem for Dragon Knight. Itemize against those.

Main Combo

Main item and ability combo

Soul Ring => Elder Dragon Form => Blink Dagger => Dragon Tail => Attack => Breathe Fire

Further Information

You can use this guide in Dota 2 by subscribing on Steam: In-game Guide

Find out more about Dragon Knight on Dota Coach's Heropedia

This guide was written by BaLLooN, a 7.8k DotA 2 player based in SEA with 17 years of experience: View Gamer Profile

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