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12 Votes

Don't be such a Faerie

May 7, 2013 by PhYrE-bAt
Comments: 3    |    Views: 51051    |   

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samukobo (28) | May 8, 2013 7:57pm
As Sando mentioned, color would be nice. The content is good though. Im just surprised no one has mentioned the absence of Dagon yet- it's a very nice item on him that can really boost his nuking power especially if you get fed a few kills at mid. I would recommend adding Dagon to situational and expalain it a bit in the guide.

+1 :)
Eldron (1) | May 8, 2013 11:46am
I believe you forgot the null talisman and braver in your core.
Sando (118) | May 8, 2013 3:49am
Overall nicely written guide. It could do with a little bit of colour and some ability links to brighten up the presentation a bit though, check out this link

Also, what do you do with the starting Iron Branches and Mantle of Intelligence - do you ever make Magic Wand or Null Talisman?
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