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4 Votes

Dominator of the Light

January 10, 2013 by Kotl
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Iain Cheyne | December 5, 2012 4:04am
How about a Ghost Sceptre instead of Shadow Blade?
gol1ath (1) | November 1, 2012 1:52am
I would recommend that you add a Eul's sceptre into this build right after the boots. The reason is that it is such an important item for KOtl as it give him huge survivability, increased movement speed and attack dmg/ mana regen, all for a quickly attainable price. In addition to using cyclone as a defensive measure, it also gives you another weapon for your teamfight arsenal, whether you want to use it to disable or to hunt down and gank.
Kotl | October 30, 2012 12:24pm
Mana leak level 1 is all but worthless. The range is really bad making it really tough to effectively use it without putting yourself at some risk. Mana leak really doesn't become effective until level 3, and level 3 mana leak isn't something to warrant being leveled up earlier than illuminate. Blast doesn't exactly scale well, so maxing it first gives you amazing killing potential early.

I'll add getting treads later, as I frequently do that. (forgot to list)
Hades4u (296) | October 30, 2012 5:26am
Why you don't get Boots of Travel later on?

Also, get Mana Leak earlier, it's a really strong spell.

wilddeonpwn (102) | October 30, 2012 5:06am
+1, but I prefer to keep Illuminate at lvl 1 athe early landing stages, and maxing mana leak before it. Add some color to improve the outlook of the guide, otherwise, good context and info, +1
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