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Dazzle 7.20c

November 26, 2018 by markooo_98
Comments: 1    |    Views: 8834    |   

Dazzle 7.20c

DotA2 Hero: Dazzle

Hero Skills

Weave (Innate)

Poison Touch

1 4 5 14

Shallow Grave

3 7 8 9

Shadow Wave

2 10 11 13

Bad Juju

6 12 18



Hero Talents

+1 Weave Armor Reduction/Increase
-40% Poison Touch Slow
+60 Poison Touch DPS
+200 Heal on Shallow Grave
+80 Attack Speed
+45 Shadow Wave heal/damage
+1.75 Mana Regen
+300 Poison Touch Attack Range

Dazzle 7.20c

November 26, 2018

Chapter Title

Dazzle the Shadow Priest is a ranged intelligence hero who conjures dazzling dark light to heal his allies and prevent their deaths. His Shadow Wave is a low-cooldown nuke and chain healing ability, dealing more damage to nearby enemies for each ally the wave heals. Shallow Grave makes an ally temporarily unkillable, allowing Dazzle's teammates to survive impossible situations. Poison Touch is a spammable ability that slows its target and deals damage over time. His ultimate, Bad Juju, allows for all of his spells and items to be used more frequently, while also causing his spells to temporarily reduce his enemies' armor.
A hard support with little item dependence, Dazzle's Shadow Wave nevertheless gives him the option to farm or push waves when he needs to. He also scales well into the late game, as unlike most supports his spells deal physical damage, and all of them but Poison Touch pierces spell immunity. Loyal priest of the shining shadows, Dazzle will save you time and time again.

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