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2 Votes

Broodmother rapid fire spiderlings(alt tab haters beware)

September 19, 2012 by SuperNova
Comments: 3    |    Views: 5009    |   

Broodmother rapid fire spiderlings(alt tab haters beware)

September 19, 2012

this is sortof an alt tab

watch the vidthis match shows that jungle spiderlings is pushing powah!

This shows how that jungling to create spiderites is great for pushing and vlads while not the best item at least helps spiderlings live longer, plus it stack with your orb effect. dont do what i did and forget to counterward as that costed me a bit.

I dont like alt tabs and i feel bad bout writing this one but i dont have the time at the moment to write full guides due to GSCE'S and stuff like that. sorry everyone

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