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Batrider Mid

July 8, 2024 by DotaCoachApp
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Batrider Mid

DotA2 Hero: Batrider

Hero Skills

Smoldering Resin (Innate)

Sticky Napalm

1 3 5 7


2 11 13 14


4 8 9 10

Flaming Lasso

6 12 18


15 16

Hero Talents

Flamebreak applies 2 Sticky Napalm charges
+15 Sticky Napalm Damage
+2 Flamebreak charges
+2s Smoldering Resin Duration
-7s Flaming Lasso cooldown
+20 movement speed
+50 Flamebreak knockback
+50 Sticky Napalm radius

Batrider Mid

July 8, 2024

Key Strategy

Key strategic elements to consider when playing Batrider

  • Apply Sticky Napalm on opponents but also on the creeps at the same time. Batrider`s base damage is very low.
  • When you have 3 Sticky Napalms on an opponent, you can consider making a kill attempt.
  • Having Bottle charges, Faerie Fire or Healing Salve can allow you to dive under the tower.
  • Batrider is good at clearing stacks early on. Encourage your teammates to make them for you.
  • Focus on acquiring Boots of Travel and then start playing more actively.
  • Pick up Aghanims Shard at the 15 minute mark as you become a potent right clicker as a universal hero.
  • Spam Sticky Napalm on the enemy mid laner to keep them low at all times. You need not worry about giving stick charges.

Main Combo

Main item and ability combo

Firefly => Black King Bar => Blink Dagger => Flaming Lasso => Sticky Napalm => Flamebreak

Further Information

You can use this guide in Dota 2 by subscribing on Steam: In-game Guide

Find out more about Batrider on Dota Coach's Heropedia

This guide was written by Hammad: View Gamer Profile

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