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3 Votes

An Unstoppable Light.

July 31, 2012 by Tim2728
Comments: 2    |    Views: 6362    |   

Support/ Pusher build

DotA2 Hero: Keeper of the Light

Hero Skills

Mana Magnifier (Innate)


2 4 7 9

Blinding Light

10 12 13 14

Chakra Magic

1 3 5 8

Spirit Form

6 11 16


15 17 18

An Unstoppable Light.

July 31, 2012

Intro to the Author

I have been playing Dota 2 for a while. This is my first time making a guide though. I decided to make this guide because when I play as Keeper of the Light I dominate. So if you decide to play with this you will be able to run the leader boards.

Strengths and Difficulties

One of the strengths of this hero is that he can destroy the entire line while staying full on mana and health.
The only problem is that you wont be able to kill targets solo. That is why i recommend Dagon. So you can use the nuke to kill the enemy heros. Because Illuminate takes too long to channel in a combat situation.

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