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πŸ”₯7.37b META | The Most Effective Treant Support (5 pos)

August 18, 2024 by Scorceze
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Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Treant Protector

Hero Skills

Nature's Guise (Innate)

Nature's Grasp

2 13 14 16

Leech Seed

1 3 5 7

Living Armor

4 8 9 11


6 12 18


10 15

Hero Talents

450 AoE Living Armor
-35s Overgrowth Cooldown
+45 Leech Seed Damage/Heal
+8 Living Armor Bonus Armor
+25 Nature's Grasp Damage
+18% Leech Seed Slow
-4s Nature's Grasp Cooldown
+2 Living Armor Health per second

πŸ”₯7.37b META | The Most Effective Treant Support (5 pos)

August 18, 2024

Main Items


Against skill spammers firstly purchase Magic Wand (Bristleback, Skywrath Mage, Undying etc.), in every other situation buy Ring of Basilius before

Wind Lace is compulsory item after Arcane Boots buying on every single support, 20 move speed for 250 gold is very effective exchange

Holy Locket is the most important item for Treant:
+165 HP from the 2nd skill every 12 seconds (with 20 lvl talent, +110 HP before)
+45 HP from the 3rd skill every 15 seconds
+340 HP and mana in 2,5 minutes from the active ability of the item

After that always upgrade Arcane Boots in Guardian Greaves which go well with Holy Locket (+454 HP instead of 350)

Magical or physical resists choice

Getting more magical damage than physical – Pipe of Insight

Getting more physical damage than magical – Crimson Guard

It doesn't mean you can't purchase both, rely on the type and amount of damage you take (for example, opponents cores deal predominantly physical damage but they have Crystal Maiden in hero pick who can cause great amount of magical)

Situational Items

Lotus Orb – against large number control skills

Force Staff – save item (good vs root: atos, gleipnir, Meepo, etc.)

Glimmer Cape – additional counter magical damage shield + save item (if you have no invisible heroes in team only)

Assault Cuirass – additional counter physical damage armor aura (with strong physical damage core in your team only)

Vladmir's Offering – to consolidate domination and buff allied cores

Eul's Scepter – save item (good vs Spirit Breaker, Troll Warlord and vs delayed application stuns and skills: Lich, Dark Willow, Gyrocopter, etc.)

Scythe of Vyse – if there is not enough control in the team

Aura core in team

– In the current patch there are a lot of strong pos 3 heroes who purchase auras (Underlord, Dark Seer, Brewmaster). What should I do?

– Pay attention to what your teammates buy and don't duplicate items, move on with other items. Replace Crimson with Solar Crest, Pipe with Glimmer Cape

Skill Sequence

Our main skill is Leech Seed (2nd skill), take it to 4 lvl as quickly as possible

Second in priority – Living Armor (3rd skill), we max it after maxed 2nd (the exception are situations when the enemy has no physical damage and you are dominating the game, in this case max Nature's Grasp (1st skill) over 2nd)

Ultimative ability and talents are taken immediately upon receipt of the corresponding lvl


10 lvl – Left (-4s Nature's Grasp Cooldown) right talent is too useless. +60 HP for 30 seconds?

15 lvl – Right (+18% Leech Seed Slow)

20 lvl – Situational:
Playing against magical damage – Left (+45 Leech Seed Damage/Heal)
Playing against physical damage – Right (+8 Living Armor Bonus Armor) go well with 25 lvl left talent 450 AoE Living Armor

25 lvl – Situational:
Got right 20 lvl talent – Left (450 AoE Living Armor)
Got left 20 lvl talent – Right (-35s Overgrowth Cooldown)

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