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7.05 Viper Guide (alternate)

April 22, 2017 by Gluttoneria
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good build

DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Predator (Innate)

Poison Attack

2 5 11 13 14


1 3 16 17

Corrosive Skin

4 7 8 9

Viper Strike

6 12 18


10 15

Hero Talents

-50% Viper Strike Cooldown/ Mana Cost
Become Universal
+0.2 Predator Damage per missing health
+80 Viper Strike DPS
+15% Poison Attack slow/damage
+40 Nethertoxin Min/Max Damage
+20 Corrosive Skin Damage
+4% Poison Attack Magic Resistance Reduction

7.05 Viper Guide (alternate)

April 22, 2017


Helloeverybody this is fake purge.
these are some of the points i want to make.


The choice of boots is up to you but there are some factors you have to consider. You can leave it as brown boots to later upgrade it to boots of travel, or if you are thinking the game will be decided at early stages you might want to get power threads.


You can go midas after boots if the game allows it. it will increase your exp gain,gpm,and dps(last one is small).it will solve some of this heroes problems like farming, but be aware, this will make you a weaker laning hero.

1-Veil Of Discord

This item is not really necessary but it will increase your dps and give you some stats to make your hero a little bit tankier. Also every skill except w benefits from this item's active, so it's good most of the time.


this item will increase your right-click damage and it will make you a challenge (even more maybe) in teamfights.It has synergy with your e skill(corrosive skin), also
you already slowed enemies


can not kite you(except some heroes which can whatever you do)

1-Hurricane Pike

I would not recommend this item for this build just because with hurricane pike the opponent you are right clicking will not be effected by radiance at all. But one thing i cannot deny is that item is a really good item and would not be bad to go on any range right-clicker.


Extremely good synergy with nethertoxin and octarine core . Also good dps with all the int items we have.If you still have veil, it also mjollnir damage is also going to be increased.
Another thing i can offer is going [power threads>maelstrom>anything else]. this build will grant good dps, faster splitpush and jungle clear. This also will increase your gpm and in late game you can easily upgrade to mjollnir so you would not be wasting money.

1-End(finally , im bored)

sorry for bad english,i'm american. I have been trying this build for days (4-5days tbh)and i found it to be rather ok. only this think ill tell you to really understand:
"trying different things isnt bad. Sometimes(not always) try to think out of box."
P.s: pls osfrog and players bring this hero to meta like Jesus Christ, no one ever thinks about this hero, no one ever plays it,no one ever even write builds for this hero in nearby patches.
P.s.P.s:Play viper, its good.

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