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EDIT: How will the teams work by the way? Draw 5 names from a hat or something?
I'll join if there are still spots available!
Maybe Hades needs our DOTABuff account, because he will see what roles are we usually playing and how many games each player has played so that he can divide us into 2 teams just fine. We don't want a stomp, right?
I don't have a dotabuff account (yet), but I think you can also see my activity via the STEAM one alone.
If we're at picking colors, I'd like a bright or ruby red, please. :3
And oh... I'm not such a CONSTANT player carry, sometimes I carry a game with 30-4, sometimes (regardless I try new stuff, adapt to the situation or play by the book) I go 2-16, so you know... I'd better support, no problem (I'm a warding ***** Gosu). ^^
We'll use the "shuffle" button and the game will balance us.
DOTABuff is just to see if you're using your main account or not. :P
Dis ^ it's hard to make teams balanced when there's such a diverse skill range and with each person having their own preferences, so just Shuffle until it looks good, then away! 8{D
Maybe Hades needs our DOTABuff account, because he will see what roles are we usually playing and how many games each player has played so that he can divide us into 2 teams just fine. We don't want a stomp, right?
Again, with such a diverse range of players, there is a strong likelyhood of a stomp (Gank Hades HARD if he gets Mid). 8{(
I study all day - morning, afternoon, evening.
I play bot matches on the weekend to keep up my skills. And this is my primary account by now, the other one with +200 matches I deactivated.
Ps: I usually go #4, but I can play any role. Just to say =D
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