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The game goes normally, but the only twist os that you have axe on both sides. The object is not to win the game but rather to cull couriers using axe ulti.
The game ends at a set time or when enemy throne is down but the team who had culled most courier wins.
The rules go like this:
Basic animal courier.
Courier always stays OUTSIDE the fountain
No dark seer in any draft.
You cannot buy anything in amy manner than the courier delivering the items to you. T3 high ground not allowed.
Most culls win, courier kills by axe ulti only, even if that team lost by throne.
You can always customize your own rules.
Theres also 5v5 axe wars. You get points for culling another axe.
But you could always backdoor your tower when the courier arrives
Alright, I should be able to participate as a player and/or caster. I will expect respect bans on Lich and Abaddon aka, the only heroes I actually have a fairly solid grasp playing with.
I think it's about time for Xyrus to tell us who get whom because if I get someone like Visage(I know I will, coz it's Xyrus 8{ ), I'll have to practice at least one game with him and I think other players can't play all 10 heroes as well.
Wake up, Mr.Moderator, the sun is high in the sky already(though sky is quite grim there, and in UK too I think, but who cares)!
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