July 01, 2015

Post-Mortem Boredom

Views: 1029 Terathiel
I didn't want to do this.

Actually, let me rephrase that. I *really* didn't want to do this. Especially considering I'm about to enter into my HSC Trials, last thing I should be doing is getting bogged down in another drawn-out story.

But I did. Like a ******.

So this is set post-events in Outside the Cycle with a different focus and cast members. It's got an... interesting opening. Warning for the squeamish.

The Waning World: Act One

Accursed Reunion

Scene One
Nightsilver burned.

Flames leapt from the glittering branches to crackle ominously in the sky, the orange tongues a startling contrast to the deep blue of the night. Around, indistinct forms ran, desperately trying to extinguish the flames.
An underground cell, the only light coming from a smouldering torch, almost burnt out, set in an alcove high in the wall. Within the cell, one man sits, hunched over, yet his stance is still defiant.
Buckets of water are being passed around; sections of the blaze are extinguished, b…
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