December 03, 2014

Outside the Cycle - Act V

Views: 1604 Terathiel
Yep, laptop still broken and my files were unrecoverable so I had to start again. Really sorry for the long wait, couldn't be helped.

In this Act the plot takes a darker turn as the Heroes find what they were looking for, and Arash moves one step closer to his dark destiny. For added effect, listen to this with some creepy orchestral music in the background. Probably by Two Steps From Hell. Mmm.

The steady rocking of the caravan over the ground suddenly changed to a jagged series of bumps and jolts that quickly woke Lanaya. Grimacing at her aching muscles, she staggered upright as best she could. Abaddon and Dragonus still slept, but she sensed them stirring.

Act V: The Black Rook

She moved to the compartment at the front, where Arash was steering the horses. They'd moved off the road and onto overland terrain - they were somewhere in the highlands.

"I thought Abaddon wouldn't let anyone touch his horses," she opened. Arash shrugged.

"He was tired, and I wasn't."

"How much did y…
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