March 26, 2014

Safe vs Risky item choices

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One of the most common things I see these days seem to be "min/max" type builds - players taking huge risks to go after big items as early as possible. This is no doubt an overhang from the pro scene where players will routinely be farming big items in record if the pro's do it...then it must be a good idea, right?

Well, yes, and no. The pro's can do it for several reasons:

1) They're really good.
2) Their team are all really good too.
3) They have excellent team communication and co-ordination.
4) Their strategy and team are setup to make those choices work.

If any of these things fall down...well you can end up in big trouble. And in the average pub game, you'll frankly be lucky to get to even number 1 of that list, let alone the rest.

This is generally the biggest issue with carry players - going for really greedy builds like Hand of Midas AND Battle Fury in the hope of having some uninterrupted farming time. If it works, their GPM will be off the charts and the…
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