April 01, 2015
+Rep Report
balance  |  dota  |  experience  |  heroes  |  Juggernaut  |  matchmaking  |  patches  |  team  |  Troll Warlord  |  winrate
Over the last few weeks I've been a bit mystified. My winrate had dropped a bit, and I couldn't figure out why I was dropping games, I kept feeling like I had little control over the outcome of a match.

However, this evening I had a bit of a revelation.

The current patch and meta has ever so sneakily shifted me away from all the heroes I am great at and has left me with the ones I'm only average with. When I look at a hero pool now I don't see my early/mid game favorites of Lifestealer, Drow Ranger, Dragon Knight, and Huskar. No, I immediately go towards Troll Warlord(sorry), [[Juggernaut]}(really sorry), or some other late-blooming carry.

Now it's not bad for my group of preferred heroes to change, I just can't expect to get the same results trying out a new build on Troll to the results I get with my Drow or DK of a few patches ago.

I suppose the point of this is to encourage others that may be having the same experience. Don't just blindly remember that Jugg is good, figure…
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