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NinjaMovesPro's Blog
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July 02, 2014

The Eight Essentials in Winning DotA Games

Views: 1457 NinjaMovesPro
+Rep Report

The Eight Essentials in Winning DotA Games

There are a lot of factors that help you win DotA games. This is the reason of its excitement and suspense. After every DotA game there are just too much to talk about. But the most discussed is how the team won or lost. Among all of these things that made them won the game, what are the most important factors to be able to win Competitive DotA Games? Here they are ranked according to importance...

8th: AOE Spell Casters

AOE spell casters are the heroes that can damage enemy within an area of effect making it possible for you to damage maximum of 5 opponents in one spell. Some of these heroes are Shadow Fiend(raze, requiem), Kunkka(torrent, splash, ghost ship), Earthshaker(all his skills), Pugna(Blast, Ward). AOE spells make it easier for the team to kill all the enemy faster, particularly in team fights. 1 blow of good AOE can make the opponents running back for their lives, especially if they don't have healing items or skills.

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July 02, 2014

How to Farm Fast

Views: 2662 NinjaMovesPro
+Rep Report

How to Farm Fast

People often want to know how to farm gold fast in DotA, which is a lot different from me. I am thirsty for blood when I'm playing that I tend to roam a lot. Roaming is fun for me, but then, I expect the carry heroes of our team to be equipped with their needed items as soon as possible so that we can take advantage and destroy towers easily. However, some players want to show off their mad farming skills by farming the whole game. This is not fun at all for me. I don't find self-esteem in having 5 divine rapiers but having 0 kills. I better play 4 v 5 than have a Greedy Gold Farmer team mate. However, farming is also essential in winning games. Here are some guides in getting more gold in less time.

Don't Die

Dying means you waste your farmed gold and you waste time at the tavern instead of dying. Learn how to play safe. ZSMJ, one of the legendary farmer, will stay away from creeps if he doesn't see the gankers on the map. He knows how crucial it is if you

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July 02, 2014

The Secret Ingredients of Best DotA Teams

Views: 1660 NinjaMovesPro
+Rep Report

The Secret Ingredients of Best DotA Teams

Stop being fan boys/girls because your team can't be just like those Pro Dota Teams you are watching.

After observing a lot of Dota teams, I discovered that the most successful teams have 6 things in common. These are like the ingredients that complete a dish. Without one of these, they won't be where they are now.

Ingredient #1: An Experienced and Creative Captain

Thinking outside the box is the reason for most success. The simple logic that lies behind this is: if you are just a copy cat, how can you ever defeat the original ones? One of the best Dota team as of now is GGnet. Puppey would spend time analyzing and discussing heroes' potentials, strategies, counters, and line ups with his team mates, particularly Kuroky. I am always surprised with their new strategies almost everytime I check their uploaded replays. There are a lot of strategies in Dota and the best one is still to be discovered. Creativity mostly comes fr

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July 02, 2014
+Rep Report

Dota Traits that are Essential in Dating your Girl

(This article has been recently added to the guide How to Live a Balanced DotA Life.)

I am sick of Dota vs Girlfriend issue. Why don't people realize that being a good dota player corresponds to being a good partner? Dota is a training in having a good decision making and this can be applied in any aspect of life. I'll prove that in this article.

Playing Dota and Dating Traits You Should have:


To make your girl have her days with you become the best days of her life, you should have this trait, spontaneity. You should know how to listen carefully whatever your girl is saying and you should know the wittiest replies on what they are saying. She would appreciate your being a perfect listener and you would be able to leave her a good impression of your wit. You'll surely make her wanting for more as soon as you drive her back to her home.

Like in Dating, Dota requires spontaneity. You should be abl

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