January 31, 2012
+Rep Report
LoL  |  League  |  of  |  Legends  |  Dota 2  |  Wounded  | 
Hey guys! Another post of my experience with Dota 2! So recently I was playing some games of League and Dota. I found out what I really enjoy more about Dota compared to LoL.

The map and the roles. When I was playing both games, I really discovered that the map in Dota allows alot of variations that LoL does not allow. It allows the player to experience more then one gank path (Which really pisses me off in LoL how ONE ward will pretty much stop a gank, since they only have one path to go in order to gank, at least for top and bottom lane). As for Dota on the otherhand, due to the fact that the trees can be cut down, and that one is able to gank from several different places, the laning phase just seems much more interesting. Like for example, how often do you see in LoL a gank that continues after the people run to their tower? You almost never see a gank complete if the kill does not happen before the tower, but in Dota you can see endless possibilities, due to the towers having les…
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