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cant create thread

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Forum » Support » cant create thread 33 posts - page 1 of 4
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by clayfaze » January 17, 2015 9:13am | Report
how do you create thread? when i tried creating thread it says Error: Thread cannot be empty. (which is not...) Does it need to be typed manually for it to be posted? coz i was editing it from notepad and tried copying it to to create the thread.

and how do you delete you own thread in forum?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Janitsu » January 17, 2015 9:34am | Report
It should work if it just has content. Deleting one letter and re-adding it could fix it.

And you can't delete your own threads.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » January 17, 2015 9:38am | Report
yeah you can't delete



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by clayfaze » January 17, 2015 9:38am | Report
Janitsu wrote:

It should work if it just has content. Deleting one letter and re-adding it could fix it.

And you can't delete your own threads.

already tried that but still errors. it always says thread cannot be empty. and it does have contents.. i had no choice but to make it a blog. :(


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » January 17, 2015 9:39am | Report
Are you sure you added a title to your thread?

Also, if you want to delete a thread, PM me and I'll take care of it.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by clayfaze » January 17, 2015 9:40am | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Are you sure you added a title to your thread?

Also, if you want to delete a thread, PM me and I'll take care of it.

Yeah, pretty, possitively sure i added title...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » January 17, 2015 9:41am | Report
clayfaze wrote:

Yeah, pretty, possitively sure i added title...

Can you please create a screenshot when you're getting the error and also of the thread?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by clayfaze » January 17, 2015 9:51am | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Can you please create a screenshot when you're getting the error and also of the thread?

im sorry for asking but how do i upload images to this post?

forgive me im new...:(


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Janitsu » January 17, 2015 10:03am | Report
Upload it to and link the page here


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by clayfaze » January 17, 2015 10:11am | Report
Janitsu wrote:

Upload it to and link the page here

here is the link to the image


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