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Minril, the Geode Golem

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Forum » Hero & Item Ideas » Minril, the Geode Golem 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ninecent » July 29, 2014 5:45pm | Report

Not my image, mind you. Fits the hero well though

Minril, The Geode Golem



The Earthen Giants are a dying breed. The once thriving Golems have been killed off as simple beasts of war. Those who can not stand for themselves are enslaved or killed for sport. But as the numerous spirits of the earth have awaken in the past, so does another. One seeking to bring an end to this injustice. One who has been called on in times past, a founder of old magic, the creator of many, and the first living crystal. Brother of the Race on the Rim. The Geode has awoken.


Health: 568 (1662)
Mana: 312 (1217)
Damage: 67 (137)
Base Strength: 22 (+ 2.4)
Base Agility: 11 (+ 1.1)
Base Intelligence: 24 (+ 2.9)
Movement Speed: 315
Armor: 1.57 (5.34)
BAT: 1.8
Attack Range: 128
In Depth


Note: Looking at his ultimate first would be a good idea

Q: Boulder Thump

(Active)(Target Enemy)(Composite)
Minril slams his fist into a nearby enemy, dealing damage and stunning them. Gains damage, stun time, and bleeding from Refinement. Bleeding is dealt every .25 seconds over stun time.
Range: 150
Duration: 1.5/1.75/2/2.25 (1.75/2/2.25/2.5) (2/2.25/2.5/2.75) (2.25/2.5/2.75/3)
Damage: 75/125/175/225 (100/150/200/250) (125/175/225/275) (150/200/250/300)
Bleed: 0 (5) (10) (15)
Cooldown: 20
Mana Cost: 50 (100) (150) (200)

W: Crystal Beam

(Active)(Target Enemy)(Magical)
Minril exposes his shining core, amplifying all damage done to him and his target by a percentage. Refinement decreases Minril's damage amplification while increasing the enemy's damage amplification, and increases the duration of the debuff.
Range: 400
Duration: 3 (5) (7) (9)
Self Amplification: 15/17/19/21% (13/15/17/19%) (11/13/15/17%) (9/11/13/15%)
Enemy Amplification: 15/17/19/21% (18/20/22/24%) (21/23/25/27%) (24/26/28/30%)
Cooldown: 25
Mana Cost: 100 (150) (200) (200)

E: Earthen Companions

Minril calls upon his companions, drawing them up from the earth. Companions are magic-immune. Companions last until they die. If a companion dies, Mitril suffers a mana backlash.
Companion: Dirt Golem (Clay Golem) (Iron Golem) (Crystal Golem)
Number of Golems: 2/2/3/3
Health: 1x/1.25x/1.25x/1.5x
Damage: 1x/1.25x/1.25x/1.5x
Backlash: 100 (100) (150) (150)
Cooldown: 90
Mana Cost: 150 (200) (250) (300)

R: Refinement

Minril refines his form, increasing the power of his abilities while passively increasing his strength and intelligence. See abilities.
Strength gain: 5/10/15
Intelligence gain: 10/15/20

Dirt Golem

Clay Golem

Iron Golem

Crystal Golem



My attempt at a hero that is unique, balanced, and ties into the lore rather well. Well, I tried to make him balanced.


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Posts: 84
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Powergoat » July 29, 2014 6:08pm | Report
I love the concept, and while I have not read in depth too much it seems properly balanced to me. Just what position do yo see this hero in, and how would you use his abilities in conjunction with one another in combat?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ninecent » July 29, 2014 6:18pm | Report
Powergoat wrote:

I love the concept, and while I have not read in depth too much it seems properly balanced to me. Just what position do yo see this hero in, and how would you use his abilities in conjunction with one another in combat?

I see him as a 4 position. He does well with some farm to keep up with his mana costs, and a couple auras would go a long way for his summons. I would just keep his summons up, and when engaging an enemy I would crystal beam them, and then go in for a stun. While the enemy is stunned attack them with your golems and teammates. He is a very good hero 1v1 in my opinion.


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Posts: 84
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Powergoat » July 29, 2014 6:27pm | Report
The only variable I cannot find in your very well tought out Golem system is The Golem bounty. I would suggest with around 50-75 gold per, even though they are food in the early game.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ninecent » July 29, 2014 6:35pm | Report
Mmm, forgot to add in the bounty, experience, and movement speed. Also going to work on some responses.


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Posts: 84
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » July 29, 2014 11:54pm | Report
Nice hero idea! It's very interesting and looks to me like it is pretty balanced. The bleed damage for Boulder Thump is really low though, so you should increase that a little or it'll be quite redundant. He'd have some problems with ranged heroes also, as they can simply kite him to oblivion since he has no long-ranged disable (other than body-blocking with creeps). It's fine though, every hero needs a weakness :).

Balance aside, I can't help but think that this hero is related to Tiny somehow. Since he is the "founder of old magic" and "creator of many", could it be that he is Tiny's 'daddy'?

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » July 30, 2014 3:12am | Report
I really like this idea, all of your ideas seem really good!

One thing however, is there a possible way to switch between the Golems you can summon? Because although the Crystal ones are perfect for pushing, the Iron ones can potentially deal more damage to people with the crit chance. I mean, overall the Crystal ones are better, but the Iron ones have a crit chance, which might be better to use in battles.

Anyway, the page looks really nice to look at and read, and it's a very cool idea!


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