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Mason out of EG...

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Forum » News » Mason out of EG... 13 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » July 29, 2014 3:21am | Report
It has been confirmed that Mason is no longer in Evil Geniuses.

It is still uncomfirmed if Fear is back in the line up.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 29, 2014 3:45am | Report
Mason wasn't that great of a carry, I believe if they had Fear they would've won TI4.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » July 29, 2014 3:49am | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Mason wasn't that great of a carry, I believe if they had Fear they would've won TI4.

They would have won TI4 if their picks wouldn't be so damn greedy when they faced Vici.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » July 29, 2014 4:01am | Report
I think it was more to do with his mentality then his actual play, you can see from interviews that he just plays because he likes the team, and sometimes doesnt give enough ****s.

Even though he played really well in EG, they never really protected him or gave him farm priority apart from maybe the beginning of the game.

The thing that ****ed them over was RTZ's playstyle. He was the weakest player in their roster. Whatever hero he played, DK, razor, viper, or tinker, he farmed them like a medusa. Granted he is exeptionally good at farming but playing a viper for lategame? It worked out decently because he farms so well, but imagine if he had an actual carry in his hands.

RTZ needs to expand his playstyle or actually play in the safelane once in a while. Or else they will stay predictable, and are completely reliant on universe being amazing, and zai's big plays.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Seagull » July 29, 2014 4:12am | Report
I think their drafting was at some points really sloppy. Like picking TA against Razor? 0 cs mid lane confirmed :P


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » July 29, 2014 5:42am | Report
Yeah. Basically they had Mason play mid heroes in the safe lane while RTZ played semi carries in mid.

But chances are high that Mason will be able to find a new team if he wanted. He has had an amazing showing of himself since filling in.

And as Seagull pointed out; EGs biggest fault is that they draft too greedily or in some cases too sloppy.

Case in point: last match vs Vici.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by William » July 31, 2014 6:57am | Report
Mason had some great games. His Storm Spirit especially was excellent. I personally think he was 3rd best out of the 5 EG players, after Universe and Zai.

PPD's drafting on Day 1, and then on the later stages was extremely questionable. That final game against Vici where they basically re-drafted the Game 1 selection where VG won it in 15 minutes was ridiculous.

Still, I do think Fear has a wider hero selection pool and is the more versatile carry overall. I also think they can rely on Fear to be the #1 position whereas with Mason it was very much RTZ #1 and Mason #2/#3 depending on how much farm Zai or Universe got.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » July 31, 2014 10:01am | Report
William wrote:

Mason had some great games. His Storm Spirit especially was excellent. I personally think he was 3rd best out of the 5 EG players, after Universe and Zai.

PPD's drafting on Day 1, and then on the later stages was extremely questionable. That final game against Vici where they basically re-drafted the Game 1 selection where VG won it in 15 minutes was ridiculous.

Still, I do think Fear has a wider hero selection pool and is the more versatile carry overall. I also think they can rely on Fear to be the #1 position whereas with Mason it was very much RTZ #1 and Mason #2/#3 depending on how much farm Zai or Universe got.

I dont think it had as much to do with his farming ability, it was more because RTZ plays every hero like a medusa.

He is better as a carry then IG.Luo, seriously that guy cant farm/hardcarry at all exept on lycan, so he needs a semi carry.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » July 31, 2014 11:27am | Report
From what I heard, the problem was his lack of hero variety as much as anything - he's great on a few heroes (Storm, Mirana, Weaver), but can't play many others to the same standard. It can be a big problem when you're trying to draft around it, and not really what you expect at that level.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by BCP on PCP » July 31, 2014 2:37pm | Report
Sando wrote:

From what I heard, the problem was his lack of hero variety as much as anything - he's great on a few heroes (Storm, Mirana, Weaver), but can't play many others to the same standard. It can be a big problem when you're trying to draft around it, and not really what you expect at that level.

That makes the most sense out of anything.

EG did great at TI, 3rd place is phenomenal, but VG's style is almost a pure counter to them. They destroy greed, and EG love them some greed. I'm sure they'll adapt after they review what went wrong.

I thought Mason played fine and filled in nicely for the event. Of course, he was a temporary solution for a pressing problem, so this shouldn't be a surprise. Especially since they still manage to perform so well.


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