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I always say to new players, Pick Durable Escape Disablers

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Forum » General Discussion » I always say to new players, Pick Durable Escape Disablers 14 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » July 13, 2013 11:45am | Report
When ever I am a character that is a durable escape disabler, that's when I feel like the counter balance system is at its peak and the game is actually about skill.

What about you guys?

Cause, then I can actually get the most value out of a defensive direction with build and items from the start, and I never have to back track in to heading in a different direction, I can keep collecting defensive gear and stay valuable to the team with a disable...

My tank ability stays meaningful because I can disappear at the last minute after it took them a decent amount of time to get me down to nothing, although I was disabled the whole time...

And then I can also stay of value to the team as I disable one of them before I disapear.

No but realistically speaking, how powerful are teams composed of Escape Disablers and a few healers?

And maybe some regenerating gear from the start to boot?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AbsolF » July 13, 2013 12:10pm | Report
I always say to new players, never buy double boots.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » July 13, 2013 12:13pm | Report
what if you bought tranq boots and happen to buy two claws, then you died and had exactly 450 gold to spend while at the fountain!!!?

: O

But you are God and that scenario would never happen to the God of Dota!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by PepeuSlayer » July 13, 2013 12:33pm | Report
And here we go again...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 13, 2013 12:35pm | Report
I don't see why a new player would ask you for help?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by PepeuSlayer » July 13, 2013 12:41pm | Report
Hades4u wrote:

I don't see why a new player would ask you for help?



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ancient Hero » July 13, 2013 12:47pm | Report
Hades4u wrote:

I don't see why a new player would ask you for help?
here you go kyfoid.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AbsolF » July 13, 2013 12:50pm | Report
Kyfoid wrote:

what if you bought tranq boots and happen to buy two claws, then you died and had exactly 450 gold to spend while at the fountain!!!?

: O

But you are God and that scenario would never happen to the God of Dota!

What if you don't bought Tranquil Boots if you need ONLY the 75 MS (which is unreliable btw and is not the point of that boots, the point is the HP recovery) and happen to buy one Gloves of Haste and one mid attribute item, then you died and had exactly 450 gold to spend while at the fountain!!!?

I'll make Power Treads.

Why would i need Tranquil Boots, most of the time it's just inferior to PT. MS =/= imba.


But you are troll and that scenario would never happen to the troll of Dota!

EDIT: actually that scenario never happen to me, because 1. I don't often buy Tranquil Boots and 2. I don't often buy 2 Blades of Attack WITHOUT making Phase Boots (which requires having basic boots first).

But in the off-chance that that exact scenario do happen, i'll disassemble the Tranquil to make Phase then make, i dunno, probably Vlad if needed or sell the rings. OR, if i need the Tranquil, i'll sell one of the blades to make Crystalis.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » July 13, 2013 1:48pm | Report
Sticking with the topic of discussion, I played the timber saw today, because he is one of the two durable escapes that exist in the game.

TWO!.... remember there isn't even such a thing as a durable, escape, disabler!

I wanted to figure out if it appeared that combining durable and escape, according to the design team's vision (or ice frogs), was an OP concept.

Discovered that his escape is a very weak sort of escape, unless shot in to the fog of war up a cliff, which you don't even need to see the area you are latching too....

The design team must be aware that combining durable and escape is so potentially op, so they made it tricky like that.

But how do I know it is a weaker escape? Because it is tree associated....

For example, the treant protector is not considered an escape even though he can straight up go invisible, it's the fact that it requires being near a tree that some how makes it not real authentic escape.

The Timber Saw's escape method is more of a sure method of escape because of that latch range once it hits L 4.

All the timber saw's attacks do pure damage....

A timber saw can tank so well that he goes vanguard AND pipe?

Timber saw with blood stone = pure damage onslaught?

So what's the conclusion of this story?

My best advise to anyone who doesn't want to get sucked in to being taken advantage of...

Pros Pick the right characters, which is why I say, no team should go with out a timber saw.

We need to see more timber saw like character philosophy play styles in the game.

Compare to the centaur war runner who they claim should start in the direction of tank gear, (To make good use of double edge)

Soon as double edge doesn't scale well, you're pretty much screwed because you weren't incesting in strength for his r, nor any sort of physical damage...

Now the only damn thing that you can really do is blink stomp...

that. is. it.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by samukobo » July 13, 2013 4:32pm | Report
AbsolF wrote:

Why would i need Tranquil Boots, most of the time it's just inferior to PT. MS =/= imba.

Wouldn't want to reply to another kyfoid thread, but I believe this is worthy to be discussed.

At least IMO Tranquil Boots are better overall in terms of versatility and cost efficiency. Yes, MS is not imba but the heal and the slight stats make it something quite formidable.

Power Treads are used by tanky heroes, or mostly carries and hard carries.

Tranquil Boots can be used by supports if they have slightly more to afford than Boots of Speed, which helps their durability in the laning stage overall. It can also be used by carries, particularly hard carries such as Phantom Lancer to augment their inability to farm jungle efficiently (with minimal damage) early on. Therefore, though the reason Kyfoid gets it isn't the best reason, getting Tranquil Boots is generally better than getting Power Treads, at least in the early game. Late game you could just swap it for some other boots. Also, it really helps against early harassment which both supports and carries get.



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