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Ouranos the Embodiment

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Forum » Hero & Item Ideas » Ouranos the Embodiment 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yzreel » August 30, 2015 5:20pm | Report

Ouranos the Embodiment

Hero Explanation

Here comes the first real guy on my second spawnfest!!! From this point on, guess which hero was draft hero for FoC, for which theme, and which is not!

This hero is created with the concept of manipulating enemy's vision, and increasingly weakening them with each attack. Meant to be an Intelligence type carry, his skills drain quite a lot of MP, and he relies on his auto-attacks as well. The interesting thing is his inbound skill that allows him to be undetectable if attacking out of vision (imagine an extra-annoying Sniper), and his first skill that can restricts enemy visions very heavily (at a hefty cost of 180 MP and 50 seconds cool down), combined with his ultimate that can splits his attacks.

I actually like this hero's concept quite a lot, but I found some problem balancing him because of his nature, so any help would be appreciated! I can also continue explaining this guy, but it would be more fun to read it yourself and fire away! Have fun :D


The primal stones have been told in many legends, yet not many have grasped their true meaning. The house of Avernus thought that they are one of the scarce, capable to utilize the power of a crack in the primal stones for their own power. They could not be more wrong though, it was all simply a ploy of the mist to do his bidding through the hands of the lords of Avernus, and they have been playing right into the plan of the mist.

Not Abaddon though, he masterfully comprehends the ploy of the mist, and under such comprehension he proceeded to use the power of the mist to accomplish his own matter. There was nothing the mist could do; the mist was simply a sentient font incapable of choosing whom to drink from it. Abaddon knew about it, and used his seeming-loyalty to win the heart of his people. The mist was enraged.

What came next was not simple matter, but with the mist’ control over life and death came Ouranos. Ouranos holds the sentience of the mist and a tiny fragment of its power, tiny enough to be laughed at by the primal stones, but tremendous for mere mortal. With this power Ouranos then went on the war with a single objective: to slay the Lord of Avernus.


Faction: The Radiant
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Attack Type: Ranged

Str: 60 at 25 (22 + 1.6/level)
Agi: 85 at 25 (20+ 2.7/level)
Int: 100 at 25 (23 + 3.2/level)

Health: 1290 at 25
MP: 1300 at 25
Armor: 15 (2.9 base armor + 12.1) at 25
Movement: 330
Base Damage: 45-52
BAT: 1.6
Range: 500
Vision Range: 1800/1800


[] Mist Arrows: Ouranos attacks with mist that disperses into the surrounding upon shooting, leaving his projectile invisible, showing only particles on the target. This skill creates a Mist stack on Ouranos’ attack target everytime he attacks that lasts for 8 seconds, but the duration is refreshed with every stack. Additionally, every time Ouranos attacks from the fog of war, he is not revealed. This skill is an inbound skill that doesn’t need to be leveled.

[Q] Mist Shroud: In his beck and call, the mist will come and enshroud Ouranos’ enemies. This skill creates a mist shroud centered on an enemy hero that restricts all enemy heroes vision inside the shroud so that they can only see their own vision, and that vision is reduced into a limited amount. The radius of this skill is increased according to the amount of Mist on targeted unit.

- 30 radius per stack, 60 seconds cooldown
- 40 radius per stack, 48 seconds cooldown
- 50 radius per stack, 36 seconds cooldown
- 60 radius per stack, 24 seconds cooldown

Type: Target Hero
Affects: Enemy Heroes
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes

MP cost: 180
Affected vision: 600/500/400/300
Cast range: 1200
Base radius: 300
Maximum radius: 1500
Duration: 8 seconds

If the mist enshrouds you, you have no hope of escaping.

[W] Solid Haze: The Embodiment can control the mist according to his will, creating a solid haze of mist that drains on enemy’s life power. This skill slows an enemy hero and cause spells the target cast to cost more MP/HP according to their original cause. The amount of slow and cost increase is based on Mist stack on the target, and if the skill has HP cost, the damage is dealt as pure damage. This skill also mini- stuns the target for 0.1 seconds.

- 35% maximum slow and 6% cost increase/stack
- 50% maximum slow and 8% cost increase/stack
- 65% maximum slow and 10% cost increase/stack
- 80% maximum slow and 12% cost increase/stack

Type: Target Unit
Affects: Enemy Heroes
Pierces Spell Immunity: No

MP cost: 70/100/130/160
Cast range: 1200
Cool down: 15 seconds
Duration: 4 seconds
Base slow: 20%
Slow increase/stack: 5%

The mist solidified control of life and death absorbed all your power to retaliate.

[] Cognizance: As the Embodiment starts to gain cognizance of this world, a bigger shard of his power shines through from time to time. This skill grants Ouranos a chance to break an enemy whenever Ouranos attacks outside of the target’s vision. When Ouranos break an enemy with this passive, a pure damage based on Mist stacks on the target will be dealt to the target.

- 6 damage/stack, 2 seconds duration
- 10 damage/stack, 2.6 seconds duration
- 14 damage/stack, 3.2 seconds duration
- 18 damage/stack, 3.8 seconds duration

Type: Passive
Affects: Enemy Units
Damage Type: Pure
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
Break Chance: 10%

You won’t be able to survive even a fragment the mist’ true power.

[R] Slivers: Ouranos’ mastery of the mist allows him to split his attacks into slivers of the original arrows. When this skill is toggled, Ouranos receive additional attack range and his attacks are split into many individual attacks, each having different chance to trigger attack effects. The slivers can only trigger any effect once in an attack and deal reduced damage. The slivers arrive at the target by 0.05-second interval. This skill can be taken in level 3,10, and 17.

- 3 slivers, 200 extra range
- 5 slivers, 300 extra range
- 7 slivers, 400 extra range

Type: Toggle
Affects: Self
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
Damage Dealt: 15% normal damage
MP Cost / Second: 20/30/40

As slivers he shot his arrow, and as slivers will he leave his enemies.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » August 31, 2015 12:35am | Report
Hey Yzreel! I'm going to bed to process all of this, I'll post when I get up.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » August 31, 2015 2:36am | Report
So... What exactly does Sliver do? Is it something like Split Shot?

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yzreel » August 31, 2015 5:38am | Report
porygon361 wrote:

So... What exactly does Sliver do? Is it something like Split Shot?

Kind of, but all of the attacks are targeted to the original target. Basically attacking with an enemy multiple times in one attack, each having independent chance to trigger any effect (kind of like Focus Fire). Mainly it's used to instantly gain multiple Mist stacks.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » August 31, 2015 6:49am | Report
Yzreel wrote:

Kind of, but all of the attacks are targeted to the original target. Basically attacking with an enemy multiple times in one attack, each having independent chance to trigger any effect (kind of like Focus Fire). Mainly it's used to instantly gain multiple Mist stacks.

Ah, I see. So each attack will produce more projectiles with reduced damage, which ultimately totals the original damage amount.

I think this hero is pretty balanced, though with 7 slivers the break chance would be pretty high.

I've crunched the numbers, if the ability worked like I think it does, then at level 16, there is ~50% chance for the break to proc for every attack.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » August 31, 2015 2:57pm | Report
Good morning, Yzreel! (Well, it's morning here)

I love the concept of this idea, really well thought-out. I also like the name, it's after the Greek God of the Sky, right?

So this is me thinking out loud, I'll give suggestions at the end.

Now, although 1.6 Strength gain isn't a lot, but balancing it with over 3 Agility gain on a Intelligence hero is a bit... different. Couple the attack speed with the natural 1.6 BAT, this hero hits fast. And 330 movement speed is Luna levels of fast.

{D}: Mist Arrows

What does it mean by "If Ouranos attacks from the fog, he is not revealed...?" I thought you aren't revealed if you attack from the fog. Do you mean the projectile?

{Q}: Mist Shroud

As I scan over this skill, there are 3 things that blow my mind. The 300 vision range (much smaller than any range on a ranged hero), no vision provided by allies (wards, heroes, creeps), and 20 second duration.

Think about it this way. The affected unit can effectively see nothing. A normal hero has 1800pi^2 of vision. With his teammates, he has 9000pi^2 of vision. Add creeps from all three lanes you have 11500pi^2 of vision. Add one more ward and you have about 13300pi^2 of vision. You are reducing this target units vision by a hefty 97.8%. For 20 seconds. I'm not even calculating towers.

Ranged heroes will not be able to hit anything. Because the enemy will see then coming, and the have no idea where anything is.

The most mind blowing part? It pierces spell immunity and it affects all heroes in the AOE.

So with the natural BAT and the attack speed from the agility, I'm assuming around 1 attack per second. With Sliver, you can stack 56 stacks of Mist on the target. That costs 280 mana. If you cast this on the target, the radius is suddenly 3360. 3000 radius! 3000 radius of no-go zone for the enemy. This hero that gets targeted better stay inside his own fountain for his team to do anything. For 280 mana!



Moving on.

EDIT: I'm sorry, the duration is refreshed every time I hit him. Infinite amounts of blind.
{W}: Solid Haze

Again, 56 stacks of Mist. Ok, you can't hit him for 8 seconds. Lets say 3 seconds. 21 stacks, 120 mana.
That's 252% increase in cost. I'm treating that as a silence for now.

4 second pseudo silence. Pretty much 80 % slow. 11 second cooldown.

Pretty good!

{E}: I can't spell it.

So you though 17 bash chance on Sb was annoying. Now try 15% chance break on a target that hits you 7 times a second. And about 350 pure damage every time it does. Silver edge lasts about 1 second more and doesn't pierce spell immunity. this one does.

Combined with the pseudo silence, it's pretty good!

{R}: Slivers

I've been referring to this a lot. So, if I buy a Diffusal blade... or 87.5 mana burned per hit... another 87.5 damage, and procs Break, adds mist stacks.


Love the concept, the idea might need some tweaking.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yzreel » August 31, 2015 3:43pm | Report
@Pory: Yeah, but the chance only triggers if Ouranos is outside vision, so this skill has quite a low up-time

@Sofa: Wow, you should probably take my job as the critic lol.

Yeah, you're right! Someone has been studying his mythology!
On to the hero, I model his stats to that of Silencer so the high agi is made like that. I'd probably reduce the agi growth to about 2.7 though, but I don't think I should reduce the movement speed because that's his only kiting material (and given his skills he desperately need to out-vision his enemies).

[D]: You'll always be revealed if you attack from inside the fog (thus Sniper is usually easy to detect, even if he attacks from within treeline)

[Q]: I wrote down 1500 maximum radius, so it doesn't work that way lol. Nonetheless, I get your point, so I'd probably reduce the duration to a fixed 8 seconds, changing the cooldown to 60/48/36/24 seconds for higher up-time instead, solving his problem as well, thanks!

[W]: Yeah, I was also thinking on increasing the cooldown a bit, but the cost increase is actually meant to be a silence late game, but an annoying lane-dominator instead early on.

[E]: This one, well... I did tell Pory that it only triggers if he is outside vision, but I might consider lowering the chance to about 10/12% instead

[R]: Here it is, the problematic child! I wrote in the introduction that he is very hard to balance (thus I don't put into FoC), and it's all because of this skill! I mean, think about it: all his skills do nothing without his ultimate, but with ultimate all his skills immediately become OP! I don't know what to do with this one lol.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll change the actual post to what I said if you agree on it.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » August 31, 2015 3:48pm | Report

No thanks, takes way too much time lol.

Oh, didn't see the 1500 max radius.

Oh, like your changes!

Can't wait for the next one!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yzreel » August 31, 2015 4:03pm | Report
TheSofa wrote:


No thanks, takes way too much time lol.

Oh, didn't see the 1500 max radius.

Oh, like your changes!

Can't wait for the next one!

I've inputted in the changes on this hero, thanks for the help! The next one will be in Wednesday, I think. Which one do you want to see first, a Rune Walker or Rune Templar?

P.S: The templar doesn't have anything to do with actual in-game runes lol
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