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Update 7.36 and Crownfall Act II

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » May 23, 2024 6:06am | Report

Update 7.36 and Crownfall Act II

May 23, 2024 - Dota Team

People have been asking about it. They've been waiting for it. They've been guessing for months what would be in it. And now... we're finally shipping it.

That's right: Crownfall Act II's fishing game is LIVE!

For those of you who didn't just die of adrenaline shock, we also shipped a massive new gameplay patch, which you might want to read up on. Go find out more about 7.36 here.

We also shipped the second part of Crownfall, this time taking place in the unforgiving deserts of Druud. There's a new overworld map, a new story, some new characters (and some familiar favorites), new cosmetic items, new minigames, and more than a few surprises.

Lastly, in case you got busy last month (it happens) and were wondering if you'll still be able to play Crownfall Act I now that Act II's shipped: You can. All of Crownfall's acts will be available as new acts come online, up to the conclusion of the event.

OK, that's probably enough fishing and fishing-adjacent (7.36, Crownfall Act II) news for one update. What are you waiting for? Boot up the game and get angling!
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