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[High Skill] Mentor willing to help

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Forum » Mentoring » [High Skill] Mentor willing to help 137 posts - page 7 of 14
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AngeloBangelo » October 10, 2013 8:52am | Report
eFoRce wrote:

Angelo is there anyway you can hop in skype/mumble for a few mins to talk about my support game please I'm willing to pay pm me on her please and i'll get back to ya with the skype or mumble

Glad to help. Also, to clarify: eFoRce didn't pay me for help. I wouldn't want anyone that is seeking help to get the wrong idea about me. I'll always help for free. -_-

RHBallistic wrote:

Just downloaded DOTA2 this week, and loving the game so far. I was checking out the forums just now and saw your thread.

Anyways, I'm not requesting any mentoring (yet =) ), but I've been helped out by players in other games in the past and always really appreciated it, so here's a free bump for guys like you who take the pain out of steep learning curves and noob-crushing elitist teammates.


Thanks for the bump, brothah! If you ever have questions, just shoot me a message. I experienced the full wrath of the dota community when it first came out, and I know first hand how agonizing it can be to learn such a complex game. All the best.

MrSEB1205 wrote:

Hey its MrSEB1205 i just joined dotafire and saw your post on mentoring didnt know u did that :D. And was wondering if u can mentor me a little if you read this post!!!

I can certainly try. Add me and send me a message when you're free. If we're both available, we can talk on Skype about what you're looking to improve more specifically.

Hey Dotafire people,

Just following up with some feedback on Angelo. I have only played 50 games or so of DoTA, that being said working with Angelo today was awesome. Having played almost exclusively support hero's it was really cool to be able to talk with someone who has so much experience in the play style I enjoy. After we exchanged a few messages about what I was interested in learning we watched replay of Angelo playing Witch Doctor (Who I had just finished playing a few minutes before). After going step by step through his game he opened a lobby and showed me some pointers, in game mechanics, and I even got him to show me some of his Shadow Demon moves. Looking forward to more!

For anyone interested Defiantly message him it's worth it.


Thanks for the bump, sir. I'm glad I was able to help your support game. I haven't heard back from you since, so I assume you're wrecking now. Haha. Definitely get back to me if you have any other questions.

Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it. I am now a fan of SD lol. All the advice given I think is really helpful.

No problem. You caught on REALLY fast. Well done. I'm currently uploading the cast that I did with my friend of your CM game. You had a GREAT draft. A few hick ups in some of the plays (in my opinion), but I think the advice I give will be very helpful to you and hopefully other players who watch the video. Thanks for bumping my thread as well.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by saifthedestroyer » October 10, 2013 9:12am | Report
No one plays dat chen as good as me tho :3 -mr.mau5 xDDDD
i rush mask of madness and basher on puck :3


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Forgos » October 21, 2013 7:49am | Report
He helped me improving my game yesterday.He is a great mentor.We have reviewed my game on skype and I have learnt tons of things from him.I hope you got a good hair cut Angelo!


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Paddski » October 22, 2013 5:14am | Report
Hi AngeloBangelo
This sound like exactly what I need, I play support or hard support in most games and want to help my team as much as possible so I'd appreciate and tips you could give me, especially with characters I rarely support with i.e. SD. I'm relatively new and willing to learn with about 180 games under my belt I have a positive win ratio (though not by much). I have setup a steam group that's beginner friendly for DotA 2 in which we like to provide constructive advice to each other so if your still mentoring I'd like to add you for a lesson so I could potentially pass it on :)

Would that be okay?


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Steam: paddski
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AngeloBangelo » November 7, 2013 12:46pm | Report
Paddski wrote:

Hi AngeloBangelo
This sound like exactly what I need, I play support or hard support in most games and want to help my team as much as possible so I'd appreciate and tips you could give me, especially with characters I rarely support with i.e. SD. I'm relatively new and willing to learn with about 180 games under my belt I have a positive win ratio (though not by much). I have setup a steam group that's beginner friendly for DotA 2 in which we like to provide constructive advice to each other so if your still mentoring I'd like to add you for a lesson so I could potentially pass it on :)

Would that be okay?

Yep. Just add me. I've been offline for about a month. I've been playing Diablo 3 with friends to get a bit of a break from dota. I haven't even really checked the patch notes, but friends have told me that it's a completely different game now. Once I get my bearings, and have a good understanding of the new meta, I will start coaching again.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Iezer » November 12, 2013 6:21pm | Report
Hi Angelo,

Been reading this thread and already add you as a friend. I'm new to DotA 2 and as much as I would like to ask for a mentoring, I still need to find myself a new mic as mine broken almost a month



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Frank12 » November 22, 2013 9:16am | Report
Hello My name is Sigudik and i could use your help i have 300 hours of dota played but i am not good whit supports only whit visage i need a little help whit tactics and how to support my teammates
English is not my native language so i dont know if you will accept me my voice is kind of funny whit a mic in english
realy looking foward for your response

Btw i am from Europe


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » December 5, 2013 7:41am | Report
Closed by Angelo's Request.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » January 6, 2014 5:25am | Report
Angelo is back people !
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » January 6, 2014 5:52am | Report
where was he?


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