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The Real Problem with Elder Titan

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Forum » General Discussion » The Real Problem with Elder Titan 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoids » May 26, 2024 1:21pm | Report
Once ET gets his shard he needs a period, after he stomps, where he can run through units like the spirit to gain the spirit buffs.

You can see this problem in reverse when he uses the shard with dagger to escape. The spirit is far back, ET blink stomps and gets out safely, but there's no opportunity to gain spirit buffs, and he lost spirit stomp damage and also not on the enemies with natural order aura. At least he would have a period where he could get some edge out of the deal.

The other idea would be to just disable his weapon when his spirit is out and then every enemy ET himself touches also gets the spirit buff.

Maybe this could be a facet or a talent


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