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Hello, is this a dead forum?

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Forum » General Discussion » Hello, is this a dead forum? 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by IRH8MS » February 12, 2023 11:33pm | Report
I got bored and registered for this forum. Does anyone still post here? I see a bunch of sub-forums here haven't had a post in years. JW.


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cuttleboss » February 13, 2023 8:09am | Report
Hi, Welcome.

Yes, the forum itself basically has no active members as of now.
This can change of course.

Either way, hope you find something to enjoy on the site.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » February 14, 2023 7:19am | Report
Hey, welcome to DOTAFire!

Sadly everyone moved over to Discord, and since Valve added in-game guides years ago, the community took a big hit in activity. 😟
Message me if you'd like to join our official Discord server!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Atlas » June 29, 2023 6:15pm | Report
Definitely not as active as the old days, once in-game guides became a thing.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by lovethisgame » September 25, 2023 12:51am | Report
New players like me still gets a bunch of help from this forum's guides.


Posts: 1

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