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Nirza by reviy

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By: reviy
Last Updated: Jul 26, 2018
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Ursa Den Mother

Melee Strength Hero

Nirza the ursa matriarch is the last remaining den mother of her tribe. Most of the ursa warriors died protecting them but eventually their home forest got destroyed. She and the last of her tribe wandered aimlessly, looking for shelter and a safe place that they can call home. Eventually they've stumbled upon the war of the ancients and she decided to join the battle and end the fight so her cubs can live in a peaceful world once again.

Primary Abilities

Spine splinter
Nirza grabs the targeted enemy in melee range. She hold the target in the air for 1 second while the ability can be recasted to any direction. If the ability is not recasted Nirza will smash the target to the ground, stunning it for another second. If the ability is recasted the target will be knocked back in the targeted direction until it's either hits the maximum 500/650/800/1000 distance or collides with an unpathable object. If the target collides with an object befire the maximum distance it will be stunned for 1 second. For every tree the target destroys in it's path it receives 40 physical damage and another 100 if it collides with an object.
: Targeted
: physical
: No
: Tree:40, Wall/Object: 100
: 40/60/80/100
: 20/18/16/14
"A den mother would have done much worse..."
Roar of the Unstoppable
The den mother unleashes a deafening howl which freezes the blood of her enemies in the targeted area. During daytime they will be silenced while during the night the affected enemies will flee towards their base in terror.
: Cone Area
: No
: 0.75/1.75/2.5/3
: 30/40/50/60
: 15
Even the bravest man will shake in fear when they have to face an ursa matriarch.
Caring Mother
Every time an allied hero takes damage and it is greater than 10% of their maximum health the den mother receives bonus attack speed and movement speed for 10 seconds. This buff can stack up to 10 times and if an allied hero dies then the den mother will be phased for 5 seconds and recieves 3 stacks of the buff. Each stack has its own duration, successive spell casts do not refresh the duration of previous stacks
: Passive
Bonus Attack Speed
Bonus Movement Speed
: 10/20/30/40
: 5/10/20/30
Seeing her allies getting hurt aches her heart just as much as if her own children would suffer.

Ultimate Abilities

Family Bonds
The ursa den mother calls for the aid of the reamining young ursa warriors in the woods. For every tree in the targted area(250/350/450) a young ursa will crawl out from his hiding spot to fight for his mother. If a young ursa dies it will trigger Caring Mother's buff.
Cub Damage
Cub Health
: Area Targeted
: 48-52
: 400
Cub Duration
: 60 seconds
: 100
: 100/75/50
The tribe helps it's mother, even in the most dire needs.

Hero Talents

2x Cub HP/Damage
+1 Cub Summoned/tree targeted

+100 Tree damage
Caring Mother +10 HP regen/stack

+100 Spine Splinter knockback distance
Caring Mother always gives phase

+20 Damage
+1 Mana Regen

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