May 29, 2016

The Dota theory-2 A

Views: 1736 Kyphoid returns
I made a blog post named dota theory 2.
And i cant see in my blog posts or saved blogs. Asked hades and lets just say bug reported...... Annnnnnyyywaaaaayyys

So what is the deal with Abaddon?borrowed time look less like a cheat death and if you hit me.

You ever wonder why?
How about we attempt to reinvent borrowed time?
Here is mine!

Borrowed time is an instant cast ability that allows Abaddon to come back to the previous HP state 4/5/6 seconds , before casting the ability.

I know it sounds like time walk, but you can cast it while being stunned. And here is the kicker

Borrowed time allows Abaddon to cheat death when it is off cool down and returns him to 4/5/6 seconds previous to his state and allowing him to steal 15/25/35% current HP from his attempting killer.

Looks like borrowed isn't it?.....

Now how about his aghs upgrade?
Casting borrowed time allows Abaddon to heal back 50% of the damage done to his allies 5/6/7 seconds back. Range:900

So your mag…
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