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16 Votes

The Clinkz Guide

April 23, 2012 by falee
Comments: 7    |    Views: 491227    |   

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Regulator | May 26, 2014 3:17am
I just wanted to say that this guide for Clinks is amazing! It really improved my play with him. I was at about 300 damage after like 25 min of play. I was also able to get the bkb. Thanks for the tips!
IruDraco | April 22, 2013 9:58am
i've been playing with Clinkz and i'll try the Mask of Madness after the Orchid and BKB, even losing his lifesteal (searing arrow is a unique modifier), the +100 attack speed will give you a huge damage with your strafe, the orchid and BKB can help you with the +30% damage taken (never use it if you're being the target in teamfights), you eventually can turn off the searing arrows to heal yourself after fights.
I don't know if this works, it's a little suicidal but i'll try =D

(sorry my english, I do not speak very well)
mightycookie (5) | January 29, 2013 2:47pm
hey, good guide. also, black king bar might be gotten before monkey king bar. depends if they have nukers. also, i find that daedalus is much better than black king bar if your team has slows or disables. since daedalus gives much more DPS finally, outworld destroyer is now outworld devourer
thrashin sam | January 29, 2013 12:57pm
I would suggest putting KotL in as a friend and as a foe, clinkz is mana hungry and chakra regens mana at a hilarious rate. the mana leak, however, destroys him as clinkz is a mobile hero who is very mana-hungry early-game. all-in-all i liked your guide.
P.S. Bounty Hunter is also a nightmare for clinkz
NotSureIf (16) | November 3, 2012 5:15pm
Jojoleb wrote:

how do you use clinkz ultimate exactly ? just any creep ? anything specific in that area ?

You can target any creep with the exception of Ancients and Roshan. It increases your Max HP and Damage based on a given percentage of the creep you consume using the Ultimate.
Jojoleb | November 3, 2012 5:02pm
how do you use clinkz ultimate exactly ? just any creep ? anything specific in that area ?
DevilMind | July 14, 2012 10:34pm
i Like this
i will try this now.
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