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wilddeonpwn's Blog
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DotA 2
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November 15, 2012
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As the beta becomes more expansive and allows for more and more people to play, a flood of new players of Dota 2 or even MOBAs in general are coming in. As you start to play your first few matches, you may find the game very fun, but extremely difficult to learn. You may play a few more games, read a few guides and try a few new things out, but many of you may feel like you aren’t getting any better.

This is the situation that so many people will find themselves in. Even after hundreds of games, players may still feel stuck in the lower matchmaking brackets, not really knowing why they aren’t improving. It turns out that while many of you may be playing the game and practicing your skills, you may be not actually be practicing the right way. You may say “Wait, doesn’t playing the game a lot count as practice? Am I not getting better by playing more?” In the beginning, you will always get better simply by playing matches, but as you try to push yourself into higher skill brac…
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September 29, 2012

DOTAFire's Top Scores!

Views: 11063 wilddeonpwn
+Rep Report
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So if you haven't seen it yet I made a thread where I got all of your high scores on DotA 2! I decided to collect them all up and share them here and on my thread.


Highest Kills: 45 (LiLPro - Viper & JarlPartey - Huskar)
Highest GPM: 1120 (metsubushi - skeleton king)
Highest Assists: 51 (PotMPlz - necrolyte)
Highest Last Hits: 794 (Xenasis - Nature's Prophet)
Highest Hero Damage: 55634 (Pu12e - Zeus)
Highest Hero Healing: 14615 (jaslam - Dazzle)
Highest Tower Damage: 11777 (JarlPartey - skeleton king)
Highest Denies: 71 (Allegiance - Morphling)
Longest Match Duration: 1:31:34 (Mirror - Phantom Lancer)

Have a score better than one of these? Post it here.


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