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LoL still better???

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Forum » Off Topic » LoL still better??? 31 posts - page 3 of 4
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by PotatisFarfar » November 23, 2011 8:41am | Report
No pause function in League of legends...

Yeah Riot is really bad...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Thaniel » November 23, 2011 9:39am | Report

Yeah I'm planning on ditching LoL for the reasons Atlas stated primarily. The community at LoL is so horrid. Anytime a champion is nerfed everyone goes berserk for their favorite champ and says everyone else should just adjust how they play. Why don't they adjust and learn someone new? And it seems all riot does it release new champions with recycled mechanics and new skins. They are doing nothing to actually improve the game.

As if the community in DotA won't go to **** as well. With the way Valve is peddling the game, you can be absolutely sure that the community will be almost as bad as LoL.

As far as the gameplay goes, I don't agree that you can play LoL while "eating a sandwich with the other hand". That's a really blunt and idiotic statement considering that in any game wherein two players play against each other in real time, the more apt player wins. Playing with any distraction or expecting a handicap will lose games in LoL just as surely as they would in DotA... Just not in the high-level competitive scene.

In the high-level competitive scene, DotA outstrips LoL in every way. The game is more difficult to succeed at due to a higher skill-ceiling with mechanics such as denying, rune control instead of jungle control, and a limit placed on how many wards can be active at once. If you're up against someone better than you in DotA, you'll lose MUCH faster than you would if someone was better than you in LoL, and I think that's the difference. The skill ceiling in LoL is much lower, and that makes it easier to win games at low level.

My biggest issue with LoL is the clumsy and inept way that champion balance is handled. The community complains that one champion's pistol is of too low caliber, so instead of tuning the pistol up or giving them a different sort of pistol, they give the character a rocket launcher. When the rocket launcher is uproariously deemed overpowered, they roll back the character to a pistol weaker than the one they originally had. See: Orianna. (If you play LoL at ALL you'll know what I mean.)

Morello is really to blame for a lot of the balance and champion design issues in LoL, to be honest. He was the idiotic one in the DotA development team and couldn't design a hero to save his life. His abilities to balance and to come up with powerful, compelling gameplay are both really flawed and limited. I feel really put off when he totally flies off the handle when it comes to champion design, and his past few champions have been very uninteresting at best and blatantly poorly designed and/or overpowered at worst.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ixFusion » November 23, 2011 10:34am | Report
I think this sums it up. WHO THE F REALLY CARES? If your going to start a flame war between games go to youtube because there's no room for you here.

Lyralei, the Windrunner


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by LuvLes » November 23, 2011 12:55pm | Report

I think this sums it up. WHO THE F REALLY CARES? If your going to start a flame war between games go to youtube because there's no room for you here.

So far this has not gotten out of hand, it's just a debate. Nothing to worry about, people have those and glares fly, but overall this topic has been fine so far.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Iratesniper » March 12, 2012 6:28pm | Report
I being an ex-avid L.o.L. player enjoy this game more, even though I just started. Some people say that this game is more serious and LoL is casual, I say different. When I played LoL I was constantly getting pissed off at people not knowing what they are doing or just trolling, they have a much more noobie community, that gets pissed swears all the time and rage-quits. I fell that LoL is more serious than Dota 2. As I said i'm new to dota 2, and I hated dota one, but when I get into a game of dota 2, I feel relaxed, and it feels like a casual game type. I can't wait to see how this turns out when the game is released.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Desides » April 23, 2012 9:16am | Report

Ugh there are always threads on 'best game'

You sir, have been rep'd

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Larry The Amphibious Shar » July 2, 2012 11:04am | Report
First of all, why would you post something like this on a decidedly DOTA 2 site? Derp.

Moving on, as many of the other posters here's have said, LoL and DOTA 2 are almost different games. Although they may fall under the same umbrella of games, DOTA is a game of late game potential. LoL has a gank heavy play style right off the bat, while dota is more like the X-Men antihero Juggernaut. Slow starting at first, but if you make a few mistakes and let the carry get farm, all of a sudden you have an unstoppable force which cannot be stopped. In LoL if you can outgank the other team, you will almost always win. This is not true in DOTA, because even if you let Balanar gank supports all night long, the Morphling will still crush him in the late game.

Different games, different standards. Uncomparable

Larry The Amphibious Shar

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Herbjoern » July 3, 2012 7:54am | Report
Thread looks quite dead, but I got to comment anyways. I played LoL since first week of it, and played it till the day I got Dota2 Beta Key. From than on, I only played 2 LoL games, just to see, if its really that bad as I remembered it. I watched a Dota vs LoL comparision someday and as far as I remember creator of it stated that LoL heroes power varies from 5 to 7 (from 1 to 10), and Dota heroes varies from 7 to 9. I totally disagreed, as I honestly feel, that LoL "champions" are from 1 to 10 in scale whilst Dota's from 9 to 9,001. I agree, those games are different, but no in term of gameplay itself, but in term of balancing and community.
LoL could be balanced, but that would make riot loose some cash from skins to newest (most OP) releases.

Everything is done better in Dota, from jungle to competitive scene, and people must get over it. Of course, everyone likes something else, but that doesn't changes fact, that everyone should see quality of Dota2. Today I only regret not playing Dota since its very first day.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 15, 2012 3:02pm | Report
Both games are great, I play both of them.

HoN is ****.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheKraftyOne » August 1, 2012 11:36am | Report

LoL is better. Being more complicated does not equall better game. HoN is overly confusing and needlessly difficult. I was able to get MVP on a few games and decimate the other team after just a few games played of HoN. So dont troll me and say I'm a nub. What I mean is that I am good at HoN yet the needless mechanics mke it unenjoyable.

Dota is like Everquest. HoN is like every MMORPG after Everquest. And LoL is like WOW. I loved everquest. Thought the copycats were good. Then played WoW and never looked back. It doesn't mean I don't appreciate Everquest and what it did for the genre. But it was time to move on and evolve. Again let me be clear I played ultima online(old one), shadowbane, and darkfall. Three of the most hardcore pvp "lose all your equipment and items if you die" MMORPGs you will ever play. I enjoyed them a lot but overall WoW is still a better game regardless of "care bear" status.

LoL is innovative yet simple, appeals to the masses and is ultimately more fun to play. And last I checked the reason to play games, sports, etc initially is for fun then you get competitive. I want so much to like DotA2 but it seems like they didn't even try to get creative. Speaking of creativity. LoL Dominion map, look it up. One more reason they are ahead. Ohh yeah and they won most fans award at gamescom. Hahahahaha take that dota2.

Edit: I don't mean to say DotA2 won't be fun. Nor do I mean to say that it won't have a huge player base. I also do not want to deter people from playing it. This is not a LoL advertisement post heheh. Just my 2cents on the subject. That is all.

If your talking about needless mechanics then dota 2 is wow not lol you impulsive bafoon. As far as play base YES lol is wow. But not for long. Considering dota 2 is in beta and is almost at 100,000 con current users. LoL is in trouble. Also considering LoL has dota 1 players whom don't have acess yet. I can see LoL numbers drop, as dota 2 increases. Advantage for dota 2 it's made by valve thus STEAM
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