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viper ultra carry

November 13, 2012 by tarzan
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Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Poison Attack

2 4 5 7


1 3 8 9

Corrosive Skin

10 12 13 14

Viper Strike

6 11 16


15 17 18

viper ultra carry

November 13, 2012


this here is a guide on how to be a boss with our good pal viper.
he is a heavy ranged carry and can put out some crazy damage and be even tanky at times, when built correctly of course. note this is all subject to personal opinion and future patches.

how to play

many people say you have to get the baby items first, from a personal experience i have found them not required in a build, this may be questioned by the elite gamers, but hey it works. i always start out with a bottle, it will stay with you throught the game and be your best buddy in a clutch moment, it certainly has for me. the great heal and mana gain will let you stay longer for your 3rd skillup of Q. during this lane time its best to work on your power treads, buying baby boots first, then moving on to the gloves and finally the belt. by this time you should have a few kills and be ready for anything that comes your way. next you should aid your team, and start with a little ganking, the second you get the 3000g stop what you are doing and obtain the shadowblade. this nifty item will be your out for any issue that you face. save it for that clutch moment you come upon 3 players or just to run over and get that quick kill up top. by now you hopefully have a majority of the kills on the team and are on your wy to be the most feared person on the map now its really up to you what to buy and who to kill, just remember to play it safe an dont get kills unless you are garanteed to get it and leave safely. its a game of cat and mouse and your the giant ruthless netherdrake murdering the cat and taking the mouse for your own lunch. have fun!!!

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