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3 Votes

Skeleton King - Learn to Win

July 17, 2012 by Sleepcoma
Comments: 5    |    Views: 37020    |   

Build 1
Build 2

With Early Lane Freedom

DotA2 Hero: Wraith King

Hero Skills

Wraithfire Blast

1 3 5 7

Vampiric Spirit

2 4 13 14

Mortal Strike

8 9 10 12


6 11 16


15 17 18

Skeleton King - Learn to Win

July 17, 2012

Playing Leoric

This guy is new player friendly for sure, and has a couple of things going for him. He only has one active ability, Hellfire Blast, a ranged stun. His second skill, Vampiric Aura, grants you lifesteal. You regain health just by attacking things. He also gets critical strike ability as his other passive skill. His ultimate is very nice, as it respawns you at the spot of your death with full health and mana. While you hopefully will not need this too often, it can often save your bacon. When picking your skills, you definitely want your stun, so level it up first. The decision on whether to get your critical strike skill or your lifesteal skill should be based on how the game is going and who you are up against. If you are not able to get many hits in without getting harassed, lifesteal aura is not going to do you much good. The amount of health you'll regain will be negated by the health lost due to harassment and since it is an aura, your creeps will be pushing out away from the safety of your tower and leaving you open to being a victim. However, if you are fairing pretty well, grabbing lifesteal will mean you are able to harass the enemy more effectively and stay at full life. This becomes especially useful when combined with the Soul Ring item, which sacrifices some health in exchange for mana. You can use the ring to keep your mana topped off and then hit a few creeps to regen your health. This allows you to spam your stun and is very effective.

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