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This guide looks really powerful, I can't believe I never thought of a caster Bloodseeker. Looks like I'm gunna have some fun punishing casuals in some pub games.
Once again a great guide. I just have such a high expectation from you now :P. I really hate a caster Bloodseeker but you did a good job making him seem ok to me. (I still don't agree with it but I don't want to kill everyone I see build a Dagon on him.) I would suggest removing the Eul's Scepter of Divinity as you will sell it really quickly and it's kind of a waste money. I understand it has its uses but should reconsider it.
Isn't the meta build right now going Radiance into Sange and Yasha into Skull Basher or Eul's Scepter? I never saw someone doing any of the builds here in a pro game.
Dont think Eul's Scepter of Divinity is good pick, the purpose of the Nuker build is to kill the enemy in 3 or 4 seconds, you dont need setup for blood rite because you already have rupture.Also you want to máx Dagon 5 as soon as possible, and you can build better itens to amplify the damage with Force Staff or Aether Lens, euls would be a setback and only good when you are behind.
those are all lategame items, and what do you do when you're level 10 and enemies simply tp when you rupture? nothing that's what
In the dps build you can rush Skull Basher as hamster explained.
Which itens are lategame in this nuker build ? Dagon 5 you need to do ASAP, Force Staff and Aether Lens spike are early as well, otherwise would be better to build int itens to amplify your magic damage.
If you are talking about my Lycanesque build, the helm of dominator purpose is to control a centaur and stun any tp target, the enemy cant run from the Necromicon and have to man fight him(only for the meele creep give amplified last wish damage on him). Bloodthorn is only an amplifier damage to the build
If you are talking about my Lycanesque build, the helm of dominator purpose is to control a centaur and stun any tp target, the enemy cant run from the Necromicon and have to man fight him(only for the meele creep give amplified last wish damage on him). Bloodthorn is only an amplifier damage to the build
Skull Basher is an alternative to Euls to cancel TP's, besides it allows him to deal with all the heroes who manfight him during rupture.
It's not that euls is bad though. Definitely viable. Just not in the nuker build since cancelling TP's is just pointless in a build made for bursting heroes down instantly.
Good point! Admittedly, I'm no pro. But, I get Eul's for the purpose of preventing TP out from the enemy team (secures my early game ganks) AND mana regeneration. Doesn't sound good to add at the Nuker build but I feel that it's needed to secure your early-game power spike
+1, nice guide. Bloodseeker is really utility and not great late game carry
Bloodseeker is very strong in lane and is increasingly picked in professional scene
Wagamama, who is a 7-8k MMR streamer, advocates Eul's Scepter of Divinity immediately after you get boots and Poor Man's Shield, what's your opinion on this
Hey there! I appreciate that you like my guides thanks for that :D
Also, about the Eul's Scepter of Divinity rush, I can see why Wagamama would say that. It's an item that provides much needed mana regeneration so if you find yourself getting into teamfights very often, then rushing the item isn't a bad idea. Although personally, I'd prefer getting Dagon 1 or Shadow Blade first since these two items provide Bloodseeker with initiation and nuking capabilities so you can get more solo kills and not just rely on Blood Rite + Rupture.
I believe i have addressed this before, but Eul's Scepter of Divinity is not as simple as that. Chances are, in pubs your team won't be paying much attention to you or whoever you're rupturing, and if you don't have a way of stopping TPs, the enemy is simply free to tp out. Euls first fixes that problem when you most need it, early on where your attacks don't do too much damage and when the enemy isn't scared of dying if you don't have TP cancellers.
Not only that, but Euls also gives flat movement speed, mana regen, AND set-up for your Blood Rite, and that's now even including the other, more common uses of Euls. I pretty much always get this item first without question if i'm playing Bloodseeker every game now, it's way too good an item to delay.
I should have mentioned this in my previous comment but, I almost always buy Eul's Scepter of Divinity over Dagon 1 since the ability to cancel TPs is way too good to pass up. Occasionally though, I'm able to burst down enemies fast enough that Eul's can be skipped early on. These games usually involve the majority of the enemy team being squishy or me getting Dagon 1 early enough that it's impossible to react and get out fast enough
1. Guide should be re-named "Utility/Caster Build" to avoid misunderstandings. Caster Bloodseeker is not a carry, but a disabler that locks down enemy heroes to either nuke them down or leave them to your teammates. Your items are based around buffing your team or debuffing enemy heroes.
2. Eul's Scepter of Divinity + Aghanim's Scepter is imo, core, at least in caster blood. Euls is your tp canceller, Blade Mail counter(somewhat), Blood Rite set-up, and gives you a decent chunk of movement speed and mana. Aghs, simply gives you two ultimates, which is extremely good when in teamfights, allowing you to put rupture on 2 enemies and making sure they don't move around.
3. if you need armor, Shiva's Guard isn't a great option. that is because a caster blood doesn't run next to enemies. He stays far away from enemies and uses his spells and items. A better option would be Lotus Orb
4. heaven's halbard should be considered in a utility/caster build because of it's amazing effect. Same goes for Solar Crest, but only if your teammates can't fit it in their build.
5. While the damage of the nuker build does somewhat fall off in the lategame, it still does a lot of damage, and can easily delete a single target to put any fight in your favor.
Calling it general is quite a huge call. You'll have to cover everything about blood to call it a general guide. I think you can just call it a caster/utility guide, and add a mention in the introduction noting the carry build.
Ayyyy I might seem inactive but I can still see your comments. In case you forgot to read, it's a NUKER build... I even made a secondary Carry build for those who don't wanna go Dagon!
Guide's officially finished and updated for Patch 7.06! If ya got any questions don't hesitate to ask me in this comment section right here. If you don't mind, please give me honest constructive criticism for my guides so that I can improve their quality in the future! Anyways, as I said in the changelog, I'll probably be working on a Sven guide next so stay tuned for that!
Also, if anybody knows, do Phase Boots and Butterfly apply speed bonuses ONLY based on natural movement speed? Or do they take into account other speed bonuses such as Thirst or Yasha or even just Boots of Speed? I'm so confused whether or not the active ability of these two items would be more effective if used while Thirst is at its full potential
Percentage-based speed bonuses are calculated based on your movement speed plus the static bonuses. So no, percentage MS bonuses like Yasha don't amplify the Thirst bonus MS.
SnY is still a good item on BS though, because of the insanely buffed slow. Oh and the winrates of items are completely irrelevant, the sample size is too low. Last time I checked Divine Rapier on Crystal Maiden had a 85% winrate.
Thanks for the info! I get what you mean with Sange and Yasha still being a good item on Bloodseeker so I'll test it yet again in my games and focus on the Maim it provides.
Good to know! At least now I know for sure that these items will benefit more from items like Boots of Travel or Eul's Scepter of Divinity (which is a core item for my Nuker build so yay).
Despite its popular use, I will not add Sange and Yasha to the guide. This is because Manta Style is just better in terms of utility and even stat-wise. Remember that illusions can be used for various things like farming, soaking up damage, and much much more... Would you really want to pass that up just for some movement speed and strength? If it makes you feel better, here's proof from player stats that Manta Style is better than Sange and Yasha:
Winrate doesn't actually matter here but... Most players won't expect you to get Manta Style on Bloodseeker so you can abuse that to play mindgames on your opponents!
Recent comment from Hamstertamer has a good point. I guess you could get Sange and Yasha if you want the slow from Maim (35% chance to slow an enemy for 26% is actually quite insane!).
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Also i would suggest the Helm of Dominator Necromicon 3
In the dps build you can rush
Which itens are lategame in this nuker build ?
If you are talking about my
If you are talking about my
If you want to be
You know, 45% attack speed aura, TP cancel, permaslow...
If you want to be
You know, 45% attack speed aura, TP cancel, permaslow...
The thing is, i dunno how to build him properly after Necromicon and the Helm of Dominator, it seems like he falls pretty badly, any idea ?
At least my
It's not that euls is bad though. Definitely viable. Just not in the nuker build since cancelling TP's is just pointless in a build made for bursting heroes down instantly.
Bloodseeker is very strong in lane and is increasingly picked in professional scene
Wagamama, who is a 7-8k MMR streamer, advocates
Also, about the
Not only that, but Euls also gives flat movement speed, mana regen, AND set-up for your
1. Guide should be re-named "Utility/Caster Build" to avoid misunderstandings. Caster
3. if you need armor,
4. heaven's halbard should be considered in a utility/caster build because of it's amazing effect. Same goes for
5. Caster blood is amazing if you pick him with allies who can boost his damage output, say for example a
5. While the damage of the nuker build does somewhat fall off in the lategame, it still does a lot of damage, and can easily delete a single target to put any fight in your favor.
Percentages only amplify the static MS bonuses like
SnY is still a good item on BS though, because of the insanely buffed slow. Oh and the winrates of items are completely irrelevant, the sample size is too low. Last time I checked Divine Rapier on Crystal Maiden had a 85% winrate.
Winrate doesn't actually matter here but... Most players won't expect you to get