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Battle of the Hard Carries

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Battle of the Hard Carries 23 posts - page 1 of 3

Poll Question:

Who do you think is the hardest carry?
Faceless Void
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » October 11, 2014 1:17am | Report
Welcome kadies and gentleman to the analyst table of 2014 Carry Bonanza!

At this tournament, we are contesting 3 HARD carries, often debated and answers still unknown. Behold, the contestants!

The Three, the hardest carries in the game. All of them equipped with powerful offensive and defensive abilities. Truly a marvel to fight alongside one of them.

Let us look at them, shall we?

Ah, Spectre. Carrying(no pun intended) wicked powers from outher realms, she has a very powerful mid-late game capabilities with her powerful ganking capabilities. Though her laning phase is terrible, she is very powerful with the right items due to her Haunt and Dispersion.


A terror to time, Darkterror is a master of timestopping, locking his foes in time forever. Able to jump and escapes fight with ease, no team is safe from a 6 slottes void. Could come online rather quick, he is truly a terror to those who stand on his way.

Spell Shield

Ah, the beauty of Medusa is not in her model, but rather in her capabilities. Terrible early game, she made it up for her capabilities to farm and fight well in the late game. When fighting her, end her quick; for you want not to fight her at her fullest.



Spectre would build Diffusal Blade and Manta Style, rendering Mana Shield weak. Haunt would help as well. However, medusa have Stone Gaze and Split Shot, which completely counters illusions. Counter manta would be really powerful as well, and dusa has more DPS. And Disoersion is countered by Mana Shield, as it increases her EHP greatly.

Winner: Medusa


Chronosphere wont kill her, but damages her badly. Quad Desolate is very strong with illusions but is hard countered by BKB and illusions will die to Mjollnir/Battlefury. Permastun Time Lock is possible as well, and goes THROUGH magic immunity. And albeit very squishy, he can evade Dispersion with Backtrack. It is all looking very chance based for void, but when he is, he got the upper hand.

Winner: Albeit depends on RNG, Faceless Void eats the cake



Mana Shield is too powerful for Chronosphere, and Stone Gaze can counters Chronosphere if used at the right time. Manta style illusions can be popped out after stone gaze for the bonus DPS. Backtrack against carries arent that useful either. But of course, the permastun is real, but it heavily requires RNG and medusa is just SOOOO tanky. Things are looking grim for our faceless void, although medusa may have the same problem. Still, void is just too squishy, and may lost, albeit unclear.

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Late credits to Janitsu for the sig


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jamesShajam » October 11, 2014 2:29am | Report
Faceless Void wins hands down, Medusa sucks 1v1. Spectre is also not a manfighting 1v1er either. In a realistic teamfight engagement I can see Medusa pulling through. If you want to make it a manfighting war, you should put Phantom Lancer, Ursa, Juggernaut, soul keeper and keep Faceless Void.
Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fumbles16x » October 11, 2014 8:19pm | Report
I feel like we have a "who's the best carry?" thread every other week o.o


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » October 11, 2014 8:36pm | Report
Fumbles16x wrote:

I feel like we have a "who's the best carry?" thread every other week o.o

we do.

and, void would win 1v1 against Spectre, sure, but his team would be dead, and he would be dying because as of 6.82, dispersion is not disabled in chronosphere :D.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cuttleboss » October 11, 2014 8:40pm | Report
Lets judge carries based on reality, and not on theory. 50+ minute games probably are less than 10 percent of games. 1v1 lategame fights between carries are even rarer. Often, many of these hard carries get outfarmed by more normal carries such as Dragon Knight, Anti-Mage, and Naga Siren. All these heroes are niche picks that can be countered, like Spectre and Void being dismantled by any competent aggro tri.

Even though the carries are the "stars" because the game is about their farm race, it's really supports and initiators who win games most of the time. After all, how dangerous is Spectre when Lucifer comes in to use his Aghs upgraded Doom to stop all the dispersion? How dangerous is Void if as soon as he jumps in, the enemy Silencer uses his ult before the Chronosphere goes off? Every hero has a counter in some way.

This is not the age of old Lifestealer where carries can literally 1 v 5 teams when everyone was stacked and BKB never lost its potency. Dota is a balanced game and almost all dedicated carries are viable.

But I am interested in playing your game because it looks fun. I think the hero I am most scared of being farmed is Spectre, because you can't kill her, and because she can singlehandedly destroy any mobility you have in a fight, leaving you to die to her haunts, and oddly also Chaos Knight, because Phantasms rip towers apart and are impossible to kill during their duration if the CK is even a bit farmed/fed.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » October 12, 2014 3:20am | Report
Void is overrated as a lategamer because pubs suck at spreading to evade chronosphere, and they cant or dont want to rat.
Im not even sure if he should be on the list, since radiance rat naga siren is better lategame.

Also void vs spectre, spectre is better hands down, its not about just the heroes vs eachother, but also about their genenal lategame.

Void is too realiant on his ultimate and brute force, and brute force is inferior lategame. Thats why the global presence, of spectre, the map dominance of naga, and the rediculous tankyness of medusa takes the cake.

My top 3 would be:
3: naga siren.
2/1: spectre/medusa, since im not really sure about medusa, i havent seen her enough in action lategame to really come to a conclusion.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » October 12, 2014 8:25am | Report
Void is good 1v1.

Spectre and Medusa have teamfight-potential... Both can potentially one-shot a team.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Therapy » October 12, 2014 2:37pm | Report
I just had a game which was extremely dependant on late game, where one teamfight lost = game lost.
Lifestealer was crushing us so hard since everyone was 2.5k+ HP and Spectre with PL were melting Medusa's mana shield. However in the end, Medusa carried our way out, taking the whole team on and getting double and triple kills all the time. Even though Spectre wasn't that farm late game, she had pretty decent inventory mid game, but still couldn't do much (the player was also crooked-handed though). Medusa is definately stronger than Void and Spectre as a team carry, probably can manfight Spectre and 60-70% certain she will win against Void as well.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Blubbles » October 13, 2014 12:25pm | Report
Medusa is bad 1v1 and even with all her damage and damage block, Time Lock and Backtrack are to much for her.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fumbles16x » October 13, 2014 2:45pm | Report
I actually was able to manfight a Medusa down as an Anti-Mage, so her 1v1 is pretty bad. We were both six-slotted, but I just focused her so she couldn't take our whole team out with split shot.


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