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Razor is durable because you would usually build items on him that would increase his survivability, since he doesn't need damage items because Static Link provides all the damage you need.
My lone druid starting items are 12 Iron wood branches, 6 for the hero and 6 for the bear. Even if the bear does not get stats more twigs are OP on any hero.
Well, I want to follow up on my conspiracy theory with the point made on this thread about how all durable agility heroes just so happen to be carries.
All 5 of them are.
This is because, I believe that when the concept of durable from the strength class(which has a whopping 16 durable heroes to represent this) is moved over to the agility class, the character is basically getting best of both worlds in a cost effective combat warrior sense.
Durability with a main stat for offensive out put, damage and attack speed(agility).
It is the best of both worlds..
However, when you go to the intelligence category, you will note that not all durable intellegence heroes are carries.
This is not just because magic damage doesn't scale that great in to late game, it's mostly about making the most effective use out of the mana pool for combat purposes...
Of how mana heores die that have unused mana on them? Is a great point and question.
So it's probably the combination of both of those reasons.
And like I said, It would be nice to see some items perhaps that brought to the table some interesting and meaningful ways of making use of mana, but as much as the community would hate this, I would also like to think that some characters could be changed to use mana in interesting and effective ways.
It, geneally speaking, makes the all stat approach more viable, and while some say that the game would become boring if we all started playing all stat, I don't think that this needs to be the case... I don't think all heroes need to be able to make effective use of their mana pool, but with items that make this possible at least the option to all stat is on the table.
Let's say I want to make effective use out of my mana pool and go all stats with centaur warrunner.
If I go all stats, the extra mana makes the least sense on him since he spends so little, but if I had an item like dagon on him as well, now I could make use out of it.
But you don't go dagon on him because
A.) the parts have mana/intel buffs which he doesn't use early on...
B.) The stats on dagon keep buffing intel, and he's a strength hero.
Where is the strength item that spends gobs of mana for some effective offensive or defensive purpose?
Even when upgrading dagon, the cost becomes cheaper to use, which means less mana used and the goal is to use up mana here.
FFS, there are only 3 non-carry agility heroes! Venge(who can carry actually), Nyx and Venomancer.
And what you said about dagon has nothing to do with this subject, I don't know one hero who actually gets it for the stats and not the nuke. Centaur has 2 AOE ability, why would you wanna spend so much gold on a single target nuke when you can be getting a blink or blademail?
And I think you might be generalizing since nobody said that STR heroes don't need intel, of course there are heroes like Huskar or Magnus who don't make any use of it.
Your posts confuse me :S
"Success is like being pregnant, everybody congratulates you, but nobody knows how many times you were f**ked."
FFS, there are only 3 non-carry agility heroes! Venge(who can carry actually), Nyx and Venomancer.
And what you said about dagon has nothing to do with this subject, I don't know one hero who actually gets it for the stats and not the nuke. Centaur has 2 AOE ability, why would you wanna spend so much gold on a single target nuke when you can be getting a blink or blademail?
And I think you might be generalizing since nobody said that STR heroes don't need intel, of course there are heroes like Huskar or Magnus who don't make any use of it.
Your posts confuse me :S
Kyfoid thinks that every single item should be generalised for every single role, but if this is done, then where does the uniqueness of each role go? For example, obviously only intelligence heroes or heroes that make good use of their mana pool can get Dagon, but making a "Dagon" for strength and agility would destroy the uniqueness and creativity of the game, and whatever role you play, it will always be the same sort of item progression. The game would get so repetitive (assuming each item has its own counterpart for intelligence, strength or agility) that no one would want to play the game anymore. Each role should be different, and lean on different items to help them in their role. I don't think anyone would play Kyfoid's "improved" and "more progressive" version of dota.
Also, he WANTS to confuse you, so that you will not know what to say to his arguments. Either that, or he is extremely disorganized (more so than me).
Mods, I think this thread should be taken out as well, or Kyfoid will start picking on my grammar mistakes as part of his argument.
A.) not every item but a diverse quantity and balance for the micro roles, was the idea.
B.) Was looking for a character that played cost effective going the all stat route, example being multiple drums. Medusa can go the all stat route because she uses up all mana so efficiently with additional protection from mana shield.
Here's an interesting rep where I played as Luna, have been playing as luna to try and prove the significance of MS, but medusa was in the game, I want to talk about this rep later.
I.D. 221574563
Interesting Question was "Of how many heroes die with mana that they didn't use up?" Medusa can play all stat but I was looking for an all stat hero that would have the larger mana pool for using an item like a dagon. Looking at dagon again I see the cool down becomes less and less so it seems the mana spending stays about the same or what ever.
I played a game as centaur and went an all stat approach and got the items Manta Style and Orchid to try and use up my mana effeciently and effectively.... I still couldn't use up the mana. Perhaps a dagon would actually be possible here.... but perhaps more so on the character that I'm looking for, the one that can go all stat. Maybe morphling like people are saying.
C.) People picked apart my grammar mistakes but I never picked apart theirs.
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